If You have a Shooting at your Church - here's what you can expect

If your church is victimized by an active shooter - or, to be more accurate, a “killer” - it will be a long time, if ever, before they recover. The memory of such a tragedy will stay with them until their dying day.

My grandmother can confirm this. In June of 1980, she was seated inside her church in Daingerfield, Texas. While singing a hymn with the other 350 members, an angry gunman stormed into the sanctuary. He was wearing an army helmet, two bulletproof vests, and a pouch around his neck containing 400 rounds of ammunition.

He was carrying two rifles and two handguns. When he entered the sanctuary, he shouted, “This is war!” He then opened fire on the 350 worshipers, injuring 10 and killing five.


"Be on your guard against men; they will harm you in a house of worship." Jesus (Matthew 10:17)

My dear grandma carried this scene in her heart for another 34 years, until she finally passed. I well remember her telling me: “Jimmy, I don’t think about getting shot while I’m at home. And I don’t think about getting shot when I go out to eat. But when I’m at church, I always think about getting shot.”

The pain that accompanies such a traumatic event is extremely difficult to get rid of.

The pastor may repeatedly say that no one should live in fear; but his words will fall on deaf ears. The memory of what was witnessed will have worked its way deep into the heart, and only with much prayer, and a lot of counseling, will it slowly decline (maybe).

My friend Jeff was at the same church shooting as my grandma. His 7-year-old sister was shot to death in the tragedy. He saw her lifeless body lying on the floor. His mother would later say that every time they would go out to eat, they stared at people, wondering if they were there to kill them.

I have spoken to many others who have endured the pain of witnessing a shooting. I learned the following:

  • For some reason unknown to me, divorce sometimes breaks out. I have known this to happen on several occasions. The pain endured by married couples is sometimes too much to bear, and they turn on each other.

  • Suicide sometimes occurs. Some people simply cannot handle what they witnessed. My friend Russell was inside the sanctuary of a church when he witnessed a shooting. It would haunt him for the rest of his life. Thirty-four years after the tragedy, he killed himself.

  • Fear among the members when they gather for services. I have spoken with survivors of shootings who have great difficulty each time they attended church. My grandma (mentioned above) once told me that when at church, she always watched the doors and windows, fearful that another shooter would barge in and bring down hell…

  • Abandon the church. American church-goers believe that houses of worship are safe places, and when that belief is rocked by a shooting, it will be too much for some of them. They will no longer attend worship.

    In 50 years of ministry, I have seen people leave the church over the smallest matter: the color of the carpet, or because the megachurch down the street has a more “exciting worship service.” The skin of many church-goers is very thin. A shooting in the church will simply be more than they can handle.

So why do I mention all of this? The answer is simple: we must do all that we can do to protect our flock. We must train and be ever-vigilant to take on the wolf when he/she crosses our path. Stopping a killer will save our friends from a lifetime of pain.

Pastor: if you do not have a safety team, it is high time for you to awaken from your sleep. You saw what happened a few days ago at Joel Osteen’s church, did you not? Who knows what would have happened if those two officers had not been there?

It will be a very long time before the people who witnessed that horror will recover.

And some will not…


We have church safety seminars all over the country this year. Click here to see our schedule.

WHITE HOUSE issues warning to churches


The word love is tossed about too often - and used too carelessly. We say we “love” cake, or we “love” our motorcycle. We “love” fishing.”

The word was never meant to be handled so recklessly.

You will never hear me use this word when referring to the guns I own. I like them, and like to shoot them: but I have no love affair with any of them.

Don’t get me wrong. I am an advocate of the 2nd Amendment. Our forefathers knew what they were doing when they penned those words into the Constitution. It is a right that is not to be infringed upon.

But there is a love connection I have when it comes to guns.

I am a firm believer in the 2nd Amendment - because I am a staunch advocate of the 2nd Commandment: I love my neighbor. And I cling to the 2nd Commandment because of the effect of the 1st Commandment: Love the Lord your God with all your heart.

My love for God, which is the result of His love for me, stirs my heart to love others.

I often hear people say that they are “not a people person.” I can certainly understand that: but I cannot excuse that. You are in violation of the command to “love your neighbor as you love yourself.” It is only natural that God’s child would be a “people person.”

As a matter of fact, your love for others is evidence that you have “passed from death to life” (1 John 3:14)


My love for God naturally leads me to love others. And it is the kind of love that drives me to care about my fellow citizens, even to the point that I am willing to protect them. Scripture states that “…love …always protects …”(1 Corinthians 13:7).

PLEASE GET THIS - If you succeed in business; if you drive a fancy car, live in a beautiful house, and have tons of cash - but don’t have love, then you are a failure. If you value your possessions, including your guns, more than people, you have certainly missed the mark.

If you fail to love, the Bible calls you a “nothing.” Read it yourself: “If I have not love, I am nothing” (1 Corinthians 13:2).




I think the gun debate has gone awry. It is completely off base - and fails to touch the heart of the matter. The heart of the matter is the protection of innocent lives. I care about others, and because I do, I will use whatever means necessary to protect them - including a gun.

Thus, I seldom go anywhere without my gun. Furthermore, I am well aware of the fact that as of today (April 15, 2023), there have been at least 146 mass shootings in America (that number is higher than the number of days we have had in 2023!).

Some will say I have a love affair with guns, but that is misleading. I can see through such trickery, for I know the truth: I have a love affair with my family, my friends, and my fellow Americans.

And the result of that is a determination to protect them if at all possible.

I do not allow the anti-gun crowd to tell me that I do not care about the children who are being gunned down in our schools. I do care. I weep over these massacres. And my response to them is simple: why don’t you care enough to put an armed person in the schools to protect them?

“I have a love affair with my family, my friends, and my fellow Americans…
And the result of that is a determination to protect them if at all possible…
— Jimmy Meeks

Audie Murphy was a great American hero in WW2. After the war, he was asked why he had seized the machine gun of a burning tank destroyer and taken on an entire company of German soldiers. His reply was simple: “They were killing my friends.”

I carry a firearm on my hip - because I carry my friends in my heart. I am not only thinking about my “right” to carry: I am thinking about my family, my friends, and my neighbors.


One night I boarded a train in Dallas and headed back to my home in Ft. Worth. The train was extra crowded that night; shoulder-to-shoulder people.

One of the passengers stood by the door and was obviously upset about something. His voice was loud, and his language was abusive. His anger was evident as he ranted aloud.

An elderly woman was seated right next to him, and I could tell she was very nervous. As a matter of fact, I was too. I was fearful that he was about to do something stupid - something violent.

I looked at the nervous woman seated next to him and asked her if we could swap seats. She gladly agreed to do so and breathed a sigh of relief as we made the exchange.

Seated next to the man, I was now in a position to take him on should he turn violent.

Now let’s get something straight: I am no hero, and I have never confessed to being one. My fighting skills are not up to par. A physical fight with this disturbed man might have cost me my life. I could have died right there on that train. Gee, that would have been a bummer.

“I carry a firearm on my hip - because I carry my friends in my heart.”
— Jimmy Meeks

But I did have one skill: love. You might say that in that short moment, I “fell in love” with that dear lady. And I knew I had to practice what I had preached to others: “Love … always protects…(1 Cor. 13:7).

Fortunately, it turned out okay.

Let me give you a prime example of what love looks like…

WHY did Stephen Willeford rush out of his house with an AR-15 on Sunday morning, November 5, 2017, toward the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas - about 50 yards from his house?

His daughter had told him she had heard gunshots at the church. But that’s not WHY he went after the killer (who had just shot 46 of the worshipers - killing 26).

He went after him, and shot him, because, in his own words, “I LOVE those people …”

Watch the 24-second clip below and hear Stephen tell you why he did what he did.


Join us in Nashville, Tennessee on May 5 - 6 for the ultimate, super church security conference.

Nashville, Tennessee Church Safety Seminar - May 5 - 6.


This is HANDS-ON training. You will NOT just sit and listen to information or stories.


People are signing up from all over the country (California, Las Vegas - and other places!).



If you’ve ever been in a counselor’s office and been mindful of the surroundings, you probably noticed several bottles of water throughout the office. They’re in the lobby, as well as the counselor’s office. There’s a reason for this. Counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists are mindful of the fact that water has a calming effect on their clients.

It’s true that water helps with dehydration, but it does far more than that…

Jesus understood this, and on one occasion actually made use of this “weapon” to win a lot of converts.

John 4 tells us of his experience with the woman at the well. Jesus was weary from traveling, and when he came to Samaria, he found a place to rest, Jacob’s Well.

Around noon time, as he sat there, a woman came to draw water. As she did so, Jesus asked for a drink of water.

The rest is history.

If you find yourself having to deal with an unruly or disruptive person at church, having access to water can be of assistance. How is that? Well, when water is consumed, it forces the drinker to breathe. This can help to slow down their breathing, which has a calming effect.

Furthermore, in light of the possibility that the person may intend to do harm, a bottle of water occupies their hand. Thus, when you hand them water, extend it toward their right hand. Chances are, this is their strong hand, and when an object is placed in that hand, it is partially disabled (occupied).

I recall an incident from my law enforcement days. Someone came to my office who I was a bit suspicious of. Wanting to keep my eyes on his hands, I offered him water. This “tied up” his right hand - thus giving me a slight advantage should the situation turn dangerous.

Be sure you also have some water. Sip it often, as this will serve as a reminder to the person to do likewise. The more he drinks, the greater the chances that “calm” will permeate the atmosphere. And this is precisely what you are after.

Water is one of those incredible substances God has provided us, and it has positive effects that many of us have never considered.

For example, research has linked dehydration to depression and anxiety. Dehydration causes brain functioning to slow down and not function properly. It is important to think of water as a nutrient your brain needs.

The unruly and disruptive people you often deal with are in a state of panic. It is here that water can come to your rescue.

Panic attacks are often the result of dehydration. And dehydration is combatted by the weapon of water.

Remember, about 60 to 80 percent of your body is water; the more it gets, the better it functions.

One of my grandchildren used to be prone to panic attacks. When I learned about the power of water, I began to “use it” on her. When she would break down, or get angry, and turn on the tears, I would hand her some water. Almost without fail, calm would break out - as well as a smile.

Place bottles of water throughout the church. If you have to confront someone who is disruptive, lead them toward where those bottles of water are (away from everybody else). Then, take advantage of the water, offering it to them at the outset of your conversation.

Who knows, perhaps you’ll have the same result Jesus did when he used the “weapon” of water. You might win them over to the faith, and should their testimony spread (like the testimony of the woman at the well did), revival might break out in the whole city!

And to think it all started with …water ….






The BEST Place to get De-escalation Training (and it's FREE)

Let’s face it. If you serve on a church safety team, hopefully, you’re learning that training is absolutely essential. As it has often been said, People do not rise to the occasion: they sink to the level of their training.

But training may be a “time” issue for you. If you work 8 to 5, it’s difficult to find the time to attend any kind of training courses. If you use vacation time, that eats away at those days you’re saving up to take the family on a trip. And Saturday may be your only day off, and there’s yard work to be done. You have little interest in training when the weekend rolls around.

Still, though, training is essential.

And when it comes to Verbal De-escalation, training is absolutely necessary. Having the skills to calm someone down does not come naturally. You have to practice it often before it finds its way into your “muscle memory.” NEVER FORGET THIS: Your verbal de-escalation skills are the “weapon” you will use more than any other. Thus, training in this area is a must.

I have met many guys and gals who serve on church safety teams who simply were not that good at de-escalation. Truth be told, some of them are just downright awful. Some have even been known to make matters worse. I can remember working with certain police officers (when I was an officer) whose lack of de-escalation skills actually increased the tension at an already heated scene!

But, fortunately, there is a way you can “train” in this matter and still reserve your Saturdays for you and the family.

And it is … FREE.

I realized I couldn’t attend training as often as I needed. But my eyes were soon opened. I came to see that in the course of everyday conversations I could “practice” my verbal skills. I decided to “use” the people in my life to serve as my trainers.

Every single encounter with human beings became an opportunity to … train.

For example, I realized my best “teacher” could be my wife. And then my children. Then my friends - and even my foes.

Implementing this kind of training has greatly enhanced my de-escalation skills. The result has also enabled me to be a better listener. My wife has even noticed.

So, when I converse with her or others, I force myself to practice what I know to be effective.

Here are my tips:

  • When she wants to talk, I “drop” everything else. I put the phone down (I PUT THE PHONE DOWN!). When I drop all else, it indicates to her that I am determined to listen.

    • If you’re dealing with someone at church who is upset, it is essential that you give them your undivided attention. If you’re on the phone while they're venting, you are telling them they're not worth your time. This is highly offensive, and may even result in escalating the matter.

  • My body faces her when she talks. This is an indicator to her (or whoever you’re speaking with) that you intend to hear them. It tells them you are taking them seriously.

  • I try not to allow my eyes to wander about. If they do wander, I’m telling her “I’m not interested in what you’re saying.” Thus, do your best to keep your eyes on the one with whom you are speaking.

  • Occasionally interrupt, and say to them: “Am I hearing you say that…” Simply repeat to them what they have said to you. This, like the other tips, reveals even more to the person that you are listening to what they say. As a matter of fact, they’ll be impressed. Why? Because you’re making it clear to them that their life matters.

My police chief once gave me some great advice along these lines. He reminded me that many of the calls we respond to are not criminal matters, and no police action can be taken (such as a civil matter). However, he said, “…if we just LISTEN to them, half of the time they will think we’ve solved their problem!”

In 35 years of police work, I witnessed time and again that this was true. PEOPLE …WANT … TO … BE … HEARD!

I remember one night getting into a heated argument with my son. I can still see his face; it was blood red. Exasperated, I shouted at him, “What do you want from me, boy?”

I’ll never forget his reply. With tears streaming down his cheek, he said, “Dad, I want you to … LISTEN.”

I was humiliated.

I remember another night, actually an early morning. My wife came to bed at about 3:00 a.m. “What are you thinking? You have to be at work in five hours,” I said. She crawled into bed and then mumbled, “A teenager wanted to talk.”

I shouldn’t be surprised that my children usually sought her out first when trouble came their way. They knew she would LISTEN, whereas dad would always TALK (and offer advice). Mom used her ears: dad ran his mouth.

Lastly, never forget the counsel of King Solomon in Proverbs 15:1 - “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” It’s quite sobering to realize that our words have such power. It was said of Jesus that those who heard Him speak were, “…amazed at the gracious words that came from his lips.” May that be our legacy.

Start practicing these things at home. Do them often. Be intentional about it. Before long, these mannerisms will work their way into your muscle memory, and they’ll start to become more natural, as opposed to being forced.






The Greatest Safety Tip for Churches in the History of Safety Tips.

I am constantly asked by the press for safety tips for churches. And I constantly give the same answer. It goes something like this...

"Everything you do in the course of your everyday life - taking a shower, getting dressed, eating breakfast, brushing your teeth, saying goodbye to your family, driving to work, working, going to lunch, returning to work, going home, seeing your family...etc, etc - is what you do AFTER you... WAKE UP..."

If you did not wakeup, you would sleep away the day and get nothing accomplished. All the fruit of your labor is what happens AFTER you wakeup...

This is the dilemma that many churches are in when ti comes to the threat of violence: they are asleep. And it matters not in the least what "safety tips" they are given that might save the lives of their flock if they stay in their slumber.

The greatest tip you will ever receive as to how to protect your flock is to a-w-a-k-e-n to the danger around you. From there you will find it easy to implement "safety tips." Such information is readily available...

The person who is asleep has no idea what is happening around them. You cannot defend yourself in your sleep, nor can you defend the lives of those you love. 

Paul the Apostle had it right: "...And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber..." (Romans 13)

When it comes to violence at houses of worship, we are no longer addressing a storm that is out at sea: we are talking about a storm that has arrived on our shores and is gaining momentum. 

I plead with you: WAKEUP....






We do NOT "Run and Hide" - we “FIGHT"

Yes, it is your constitutional right to carry. The 2nd Amendment clearly tells us that this right shall not be infringed upon. However, if you serve on a church safety team, and are armed, there is something else you must consider, something that goes far beyond your “rights.”

Carrying a gun while serving on a church safety team is a serious matter. Let's be honest: it could get you killed. If you're the one who takes on an active shooter, you will be the one who is the target. And that can be risky, to say the least.

Think for a moment what you have publicly stated if you serve on the safety team, and are armed. You have said to the pastoral staff - and to the whole congregation - that you will take on a shooter should he come to your house of worship with ill intent.

Think hard on this, for it is possible that you have gotten yourself into something that is above your head - and which could get you killed.

We have all heard the slogan "Run, Hide, Fight." But no such language is in your vocabulary. When you signed up to be on that team, your only option became "Fight." Running and Hiding is a foreign language, not to be found in your dictionary.

Most of those who "constitutionally carry" do so because of their belief in self-defense. Primarily, what they are thinking of is the right to defend themselves should they be attacked. And that's perfectly fine. They are free to be that way.

But that does not apply to you if you carry - AND SERVE ON THE CHURCH SAFETY TEAM. The expectations of you are much higher than the one who merely exercises his constitutional rights.

If you’re an armed member of the team, you have pledged more than mere self-defense: you have pledged to protect EVERYONE ELSE as well. You have said you will not only fight to stay alive - but also fight to keep others alive.

And if that doesn't happen, you will be remembered as the one who carried the gun, but could not act decisively in a crisis (remember the school shooting in Uvalde???).

Here is something you MUST understand. If you serve on the church safety team and are armed, your level of training is high above the expected training of those who carry for self-defense. They carry for themselves; you carry for others.


Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.

Philippians 2:4

Let me appeal to the scripture to back up what I am saying...

Jesus is our authority on this matter. Here are His words from Luke 12:48 -

 When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required.

Ponder these words carefully, for they are a universal principle. Note the words, "has been given much." These words describe your predicament: you have been "given much." And what exactly is the "much" you have been given? The Precious Lives of Your Flock.

The men and women, the boys and girls: the ones you have committed to protecting. They rest easy in their pews because you have made it clear that if harm is coming their way, you will intervene.

They are the "much" you have been given, the much you have been entrusted with. In light of that, the truth of the rest of the verse comes into play: "much will be required in return...more will be required."

What is it that is required of you? The answer is simple: you must know what you are doing with that gun, and how to use it effectively should an attack occur. And the only way you will reach that place in your life is by ... TRAINING.  

I hear a common complaint from safety team leaders across the United States: "Jimmy, my team doesn't want to train. And when I schedule training, many of them don't even show up."

Put simply, such a "team" is a disaster waiting to happen. If this is the case, you really don't even have a team. What you probably have is a bunch of gun-toting fanatics. And that’s fine - but I would not allow them on the team.

There is another verse from scripture we must consider, found in 1 Corinthians 4:2 -

"...it is required [as essential and demanded] of stewards that one be found faithful and trustworthy." (Amplified Version)

A steward is someone who has been put in charge of something. As a member of the church safety team, you have been put in charge of the safety of the flock, thus, you are a "steward." And because you are, it is required that you be found "faithful and trustworthy." That begs a few questions:

  • Do you value the safety of the flock enough to ensure that you're adequately trained to protect them?

  • Are you "faithful" when it comes to training, or does the leader stay frustrated with you because of your lack of commitment? Because you're the usual "no-show?"

You can't just be a steward: you must be a faithful and trustworthy steward.

There is a certain truth you must write upon the tablet of your heart: Men do not rise to the occasion. They sink to the level of their training.

I can tell you this. You will not get the necessary training by simply attending a "church safety seminar" once a year.

I've now conducted about 400 church safety seminars across the country. And I'm worried. I can easily tell that many, if not most, who show up are not committed to training. They mistakenly believe they will "rise to the occasion."

Training is necessary for all walks of life, regardless of what we do to make a living.

And training is God's way of preparing someone to meet the task. God is not in a hurry. He has been known to take years to prepare a person so that when their number is called, they are ready. Scripture bears this out time and again:

  • Moses was trained for 40 years before God used him (he was 80 when he got his call).

  • Joseph was trained for 30 years before God used him (13 of those years were training while in prison).

  • John the Baptist trained for 30 years before God used him.

Consider the life of King David. His story is one that highlights the need to train. He even credited God for training him:

Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. (Psalm 144:1)

Oh, there's one more you might have heard of. His name was Jesus.

Jesus did not begin His ministry until He was 30. For the previous three decades, the Father had prepared Him for His mission. Let this sink in: 89% of Jesus’ life was training: 11% was practical application.  

And though He ministered for only about three years, His accomplishments are second to none. The Apostle John closed his gospel by referring to this -

Jesus also did many other things. If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written. (John 21:25) 



It’s called HEART FOR THE CITY. It’s designed for your whole church as well as your community.


Do you have an attorney who will cover you if you use force?

If you have to use force, deadly or non-deadly, you could be charged with a crime. You will need an attorney - and a ton of money. US LAW SHIELD can help. For $10.95 a month (the price will never go up) you will have immediate access to an attorney should you find yourself in a situation where you used force. US LAW SHIELD covers you if you use any legal weapon (not just a gun). Sign up today!


One of the most embarrassing incidents in my law enforcement career happened one night after work. I was assigned to the swing shift (3 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.). After work, several of us decided to go to a local convenience store and play PACMAN, a video game.

One of the officers had a girlfriend who was working at the store, and she would rig the machine so we could play free. So, when 11:00 rolled around we headed that way. We didn’t even change into our civilian clothes, but stayed in our uniforms, including our gun rigs (of course).

While I was playing the game, Jeff, a fellow officer, stood behind me. All of a sudden Jeff said, “Jimmy. Are you aware that there are NO bullets in your gun?”

I froze with embarrassment. I slowly turned my head toward my gun, a Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum, and sure enough, the cylinder was empty. I was humiliated. I told Jeff that I had taken the bullets out and left them at the station. An outright lie.

I had gone the ENTIRE SHIFT with NO bullets in my gun. I started thinking of what the consequences could have been…

  • What if I had responded to an active shooting at a school, and had the shooter in my sights? I would have pulled the trigger repeatedly, only to hear it “click” six times.

  • Or what if a fellow officer had been shot and had to count on me to stop the killer?

The thought of it still troubles me to this day.


This same truth applies to our Christian life, for we never know when we are going to be “shot at.” Our enemy is prowling about, waiting for the opportunity to attack. Thus, we must be “loaded and ready.”

And the surest way to defeat him is by the use of the Word of God. When the Word is thrown in his face, he surrenders.


Luke 4 tells the story of Satan tempting Jesus while in the wilderness. Jesus was fasting and had gone 40 days and nights with no food. No doubt, He was on the brink of starvation. It was in this depleted and exhausted state that Satan came after Him.

He tempted Jesus three times. Jesus did not “fight back” the way humans fight back. He did not rely on his willpower or determination to defeat the enemy. Instead, He made use of a Higher and more Powerful Weapon: the Word of God.


He understood the POWER that His Father’s WORD contained and that when that Word was spoken, it could silence the enemy.

And it did. Luke 4:13 tells us that Satan “departed from Him…”

Time and again we read in the gospels where Jesus quoted the Word. That begs a question: how was He able to do so? He didn’t carry around a copy of the scriptures, and He had not downloaded any Bible App onto his smartphone. So, how did He do it? The answer is simple: He had committed it to memory.

Even while hanging on the cross, He quoted scripture: “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Psalm 22. Some scholars believe He quoted the entire chapter. That’s 31 verses!).


  • Hebrews 4:12 tells us that the Word is “sharper than any two-edged sword.”

  • Jeremiah 23:29 says that God’s Word is like a fire and a hammer: it will surely burn the enemy, or maybe even “smash” him!


I’m a bit suspicious of folks who say they cannot memorize scripture. Many of those same people can recall many things from memory: but, when it comes to the Word of God, they can’t do so?!

Some of these same folks can drive down the freeway, singing along with their favorite song - and get every word right. How is that possible? They have memorized the song. I suspect that committing scripture to memory might not be as difficult as we have allowed ourselves to believe.


He delights in your ignorance. Hosea 4:6 states, “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.” What you don’t know, can hurt you.


Suppose you’re at home one evening all by yourself, and the wife and kids are out and about. Your enemy notices that you’re alone, and knows it would be a perfect time to “launch an attack.” Thus, he comes and whispers in your ear: It sure would be a good time to turn on the computer and look at some porn.

THAT … THAT … is how he works.

  • And you must “fight back.”

  • You must retaliate.

  • You must exact revenge on him.

And you start that process by hurling the Word of God in his face. I don’t mean to say that quoting scripture is a cure-all for our bad habits (addictions), but it’s a pretty good start. You might say it’s at least “pulling the trigger.”

In Ephesians 6 Paul discusses spiritual warfare. He reminds his friends in Christ that we are in combat with dark forces, entities that are committed to our destruction. He encourages them to “put on the full armor of God,” assuring them that when they do so, they have a greater chance of standing against the enemy.

In that same chapter, he calls attention to the various parts of our “uniform”: the belt, the breastplate, the shoes, the shield, and the helmet. After describing what combat clothing looks like, he closes by telling them to,"…take the …sword of the Spirit, which is the WORD OF GOD” (Eph. 6:17).


In March of 2010, a robbery attempt was thwarted in Frisco, Texas. A would-be robber entered a store, gun in hand, and while pointing it at the lady cashier, demanded money (video).

But this was no ordinary lady. She knew the Power of the Name - and the Power of the Word.

She stood her ground, boldly telling the robber, “You get out of my store right now … IN THE NAME OF JESUS.

As the narrator in the video states, the thief “reels from the biblical assault.” He turned and “took off.”

And that is precisely what you are doing when you hurl the Word at the enemy: you are engaging in “biblical assault.” And he, like the robber, will “flee.” That is exactly what the Bible tells us, as recorded in James 4:7 -

“Submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee…”

I would never advocate that what she did is what everyone needs to do. Unfortunately, that’s not the world we live in. But either way, this saintly woman shows us that there is no doubt that there is power in His Word, there is power in His name!

Brothers and Sisters, let us “load and make ready.”


Quartzsite, AZ Church Safety Seminar


Limited to 200 attendees - lunch included!

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Church Safety Team, Police Officers, all First Responders - any citizen concerned about unlawful violence. LEARN HOW TO PROTECT YOUR FLOCK!

127 miles from Phoenix. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO


Do you have an attorney who will cover you if you use force?

If you have to use force, deadly or non-deadly, you could be charged with a crime. You will need an attorney - and a ton of money. US LAW SHIELD can help. For $10.95 a month (the price will never go up) you will have immediate access to an attorney should you find yourself in a situation where you used force. US LAW SHIELD covers you if you use any legal weapon (not just a gun). Sign up today!


The 2nd Amendment is constantly under attack. A fierce debate continuously surrounds the issue of gun rights. The pro-gun folks are quick to point out that the right to bear arms is a right that shall not be infringed.

I wholeheartedly believe that. So when I leave my house, I carry my gun. And when Sunday rolls around, I will have it on my person. I am called to be a protector. I’m a sheepdog, thus I am ever vigilant on behalf of others. I am NOT a “gun fanatic.” I simply understand my calling to protect. It is love for my neighbor that drives me to arm myself.

But I am more than a protector. I am a follower of Jesus, a disciple of Him who died for me. I am determined to follow Him and to do what He tells me to do.

So, because of that, I not only carry a gun: I also carry a towel.

I have a Gun on my Hip, but I have God in my Heart.

Because I am a Protector, I carry a gun. Because I am a sheepdog who loves Jesus, I carry a towel.


I am not only prepared to use force against someone who would murder the innocent: I am also prepared to use my towel, with which I am willing - and eager - to wash feet.

I am not just a “shooter” - I am also a “servant.”

This is what distinguishes the “Sheepdog” from the “Christian Sheepdog.” Those who love Jesus are called to have a higher allegiance to Him and His word. And though I have the “right to bear arms,” I also have the calling to serve others - to wash feet.

“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”

I am a firm believer in the 2nd Amendment, but I have a stronger commitment to the 2nd Commandment. The 2nd Amendment gives me the right to carry: the 2nd Commandment gives me the responsibility to love others.

Thus, if I serve on the church safety team, I understand the need to not only protect the innocent - but also to serve.

This is a truth that the Christian Sheepdog must not dismiss.

Being a Christian Sheepdog separates me from the average gun-carrying citizen. The Christian Sheepdog has a different worldview than the non-Christian. And it shows up in his actions.

For instance, on Sunday morning I don’t stand off in the corner, arms folded, wearing sunglasses, acting as if I’m some kind of Secret Service agent. No, that’s not me.


Instead, I take heed to the 2nd Commandment - and put it into practice. I do that by fully engaging others as they enter the house of worship.

  • I’m greeting folks as they enter.

  • I’m the one with a hand extended, welcoming all who enter the house.

  • I’m the one with a smile on my face, caused by the joy in my heart.

  • I’m the one who parks cars when it’s raining, so others can stay dry.

I am eager, even bursting at the seams, to serve others. I am FULLY ARMED, and my towel … is cocked and ready to go!

The Christian Sheepdog needs to understand what I call the P.O.T. FACTOR.

POT stands for Power of Touch. The more you understand about the power of the handshake, or a hug (when appropriate) the more often you will put it into practice.

Jesus certainly understood its power. Time and again He “touched” folks and their lives were better because He did.


As a Christian Sheepdog serving at your church, “safety” is a primary concern of yours. After all, that’s why you’re there.

Did you know that “touch” actually communicates “safety?” There are studies showing that touch signals safety and trust, it soothes. Basic warm touch calms cardiovascular stress. Thus, a loving touch from you may soothe and calm the ones who come to your church.

Think about what this means for you and your church…

People are worried about active shooters, even those who attend church. It is a concern that just about everyone has. But you, the Christian Sheepdog, have the power to “soothe and calm” those who bring this fear into a house of worship. It’s a scientific fact.

Tiffany Field is the head of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami’s Miller School of Medicine.

She made a trip to Romania where she visited an orphanage. She discovered that the kids who do not receive many touches (affection) suffered from “deprivation and all kinds of developmental delays.” She noticed that they were “half their expected height and weight for their age.”

Thousands of people come to church every week stressed out and depressed. There are many reasons for this. This provides you, the Christian Sheepdog, the opportunity to make use of the Power of Touch.

CONSIDER THIS: about 20 percent of the people in YOUR church are survivors of sexual abuse. Every Sunday, they bring that pain with them, though perhaps they bury it long enough to get through the service. You, the Christian Sheepdog, can help them. How? By the Power of Touch.


"I think parents need to be touching their kids as much as they can because kids aren’t getting it at school. And when they’re with their peers, they’re also on their phones. I think certainly kids today are much more touch-deprived than they were before smartphones. So I think parents have to make a special effort to provide as much touch as they can."

 Tiffany Field (head of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami’s Miller School of Medicine).

Other research has shown that “hugging and other forms of nonsexual touching cause your brain to release oxytocin, known as the ‘bonding hormone.’ This stimulates the release of other feel-good hormones, such as dopamine and serotonin, while reducing stress hormones, such as cortisol and norepinephrine. These neurochemical changes make you feel happier and less stressed.”

My oh my, dear Christian Sheepdog. Consider how VALUABLE you are every Sunday, wearing your gun (or not), and carrying your towel!

When I was a police officer I understood the power of a touch, and when appropriate, I made use of this wonderful, holy weapon. I recall one night dealing with an elderly woman who was sick. She was shaking with terror. I knelt down beside her and asked, “Ma’am, would you like to hold my hand?”

“Yes,” she replied, in a voice of desperation. I then extended my hand and she grabbed it, holding it tightly. Soothe and calm then broke out on the scene. It was a beautiful experience.

As followers of Jesus, we have been commissioned to heal. And Jesus made it clear as to how we are to do this: “…they (that’s you and me) will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well” (Mark 16). Yes, it is by the use of your hands that you soothe and calm people.

Pause for a moment and stare at your hands - right now! Do it.

Stare at them in awe and wonder.

And then consider the fact that those hands you’re gazing upon possess a power that can potentially change the entire atmosphere of your house of worship: creating one that soothes the sinner and straightens out the saint!

Lastly, permit me to address those sheepdogs whose hearts may be too broken to think about serving. Maybe you are weighed down with burdens that are producing unbearable pain, and the idea of serving others just does not appeal to you at this time. I totally sympathize.

Just a few weeks ago my oldest child, Cara, died. She passed away right in front of me. I confess: I AM SHATTERED. Several times a day I break out in tears, unable to squash my hurt. It is tempting to “toss in the towel,” not use it to wash feet.

But I can’t. Too many people are counting on me. The world needs me - AS IT DOES YOU. And though my heart is deeply fragmented, I know that the grace of God, as well as the use of the towel, will help to reduce the pain. I pray you will do likewise.

Jesus was heartbroken when He heard that His cousin John the Baptist had died. Matthew 14 tells us He sought to get away, but the crowds hunted Him down. Rather than push them away, however, and spend time alone, Matthew 14:14 tells us He, “…had compassion on them and healed their sick.”

And so must we.


Quartzsite, AZ Church Safety Seminar

We have a church safety seminar in Quartzsite on Saturday, November 12.


Do you have an attorney who will cover you if you use force?

If you have to use force, deadly or non-deadly, you could be charged with a crime. You will need an attorney - and a ton of money. US LAW SHIELD can help. For $10.95 a month (the price will never go up) you will have immediate access to an attorney should you find yourself in a situation where you used force. US LAW SHIELD covers you if you use any legal weapon (not just a gun). Sign up today!


Do you remember the tragedy at Mother Emanuel Church in Charleston, South Carolina, in June of 2015? An angry white man, driven by hatred for people of color, attended a Wednesday night Bible study at the church. At the close of the meeting, he pulled out a gun and shot and killed nine of the attendees.

One of the survivors was Felicia Sanders. In her own words: "We were just about to say the prayer to be released...He caught us with our eyes closed. I never told nobody this" (italics mine).

It was while their heads were bowed, and their eyes closed, that the gunman saw the opportunity to act.

Jesus NEVER told us to bow our heads, or close our eyes. You are, of course, free to do so, but you are not commanded. It’s true that the publican did bow his head, and dared not look toward heaven. But remember, this was his posture before his conversion. This man went home “justified,” Jesus said.

Jesus' "style" was to "look up" - eyes open, head raised.

Consider these illustrations from His life…

  • Right before raising Lazarus from the dead, we are told that Jesus, “…looked up and said, ‘Father, I thank you that you have heard me…’” (John 11)

  • Luke chapter 9 tells of the miracle of feeding the thousands. Luke records that Jesus took five loaves and two fish, and then He, “…looked up to heaven and said a blessing over them...”

  • Mark chapter 7 tells the story of Jesus healing a deaf mute. Prior to healing Him, Mark notes that Jesus, “…looked up to heaven…”

John chapter 17 tells of a time Jesus engaged in prayer. He went off to be alone with His Father, and pray for His sheep. The opening words of John 17 are…

“…Jesus… looked toward heaven and prayed…”

In all of His teaching on prayer, He never once addressed the issue of posture, nor did He ever instruct His disciples to, “bow your heads and close your eyes…” Again - you are perfectly free to do so: you are just not required.

We do discover, however, that when Jesus was alone He might have “bowed His head.” Matthew 26 tells of His time in the garden. His heart was filled with grief. Matthew states that Jesus, “…fell with his face to the ground and prayed…” But remember: He was alone on this occasion - not surrounded by onlookers.

You need to understand something about New Testament Christianity. This is, to put it mildly, extremely important. It is this: Your Father has paid a very high price for your redemption. That price was the body and blood of His Son.

And because of that sacrifice, that price, God has made something available to us when we approach Him in prayer. He has made it possible for us to approach Him BOLDLY - with our heads held high. Not cocky or arrogant, and not because we have earned it with our good behavior. But, we can approach Him boldly by the blood of Jesus.

Hebrews 4:16 clearly tells us we are to …

“…come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

Did you catch that word “boldly?” It literally means to have freedom in speaking; to be open or frank: to have free and fearless confidence, to have cheerful courage.

Such an approach is made possible only because of Jesus’ body and blood: His body bore our sins - and his blood washed them away.

So - in the words of an old rock n’ roll song, “Hold your head up…”

Besides, what would we “bow our head” - look toward hell - while talking to our Father in heaven - above?

As Sheepdogs, we certainly want to remember this truth. When the congregation bows its head for prayer and closes its eyes, we should be ever watchful (Matthew 26:41 Jesus says to “watch and pray”).

A church in Tennessee heard me share this and decided to make it their practice. On the second week of doing so - because their heads were up and eyes open - they witnessed a man enter the sanctuary and steal a woman’s purse. They gave chase and were able to apprehend him.

Do you remember the story of Gideon’s 300 men? He chose 300 from 10,000 applicants. The reason he chose the specific 300 was because of the way they drank the water. They drank the water in such a way that they could still keep their eyes on the battlefield. In this position, they could remain alert and unexposed - necessary qualities for a soldier.

One final thought…

The tragedy in Charleston in June 2015 was beyond despicable. The killer deeeply wounded the hearts of the dear saints in that church (and community).

But there is a story about the tragedy you need to be aware of…and you may not know about…

One of the victims was Tywanza Sanders. Tywanza stood up against the killer that night. His story is told by Church Safety Expert Carl Chinn. Watch the video.

ALSO - did you know that one of the men killed in Charleston, Daniel Simmons Sr., left his gun in the car the night he was killed? “The gun was sitting on the passenger seat of his favorite car -- in the church's parking lot.” Read story.

Quartzsite, Arizona

We have a church safety seminar in Quartzsite on Saturday, November 12.


We would love to come to your church (area) and conduct a Sheepdog Seminar. We have now done about 400 such seminars around the United States.. One attendee recently told us, “I am thankful our church hosted the seminar and can’t begin to tell you how much it opened my eyes to so much going on around us.” Contact us by email - or text “seminar” to 817.437.9693.


This is a heartbreaking story. This dear brother (photo) is Security Officer Daniel Bourne. He served at a church in Albuquerque. This past Friday night (Sept. 23), while serving at the church, he was run over and killed by a vehicle that fled the scene.

A statement from the church said, “In his retirement, he had dedicated his life to protecting our church community…” READ MORE


Do you have an attorney who will cover you if you use force?

If you have to use force, deadly or non-deadly, you could be charged with a crime. You will need an attorney - and a ton of money. US LAW SHIELD can help. For $10.95 a month (the price will never go up) you will have immediate access to an attorney should you find yourself in a situation where you used force. US LAW SHIELD covers you if you use any legal weapon (not just a gun). Sign up today!

Check out this new kind of spray.

It is not pepper spray.

If interested in purchase, email us for more info.



Churches across America are joining the Faith-Based Security Network. They are represented in 46 states. it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


Covenant Eyes can help you. They are an Internet browser that monitors your online activity. If you look at porn, they notify your accountability partner.


MICHIGAN - A pastor was alone at Palmer Road Baptist Church, doing some work on the property. A man that he did not know approached and asked if he could go inside and use the bathroom. When he came back outside he engaged the pastor in some friendly conversation. About that time a patrol car pulled up and the officer yelled “Stop right there and drop your gun.” As the suspect reached into his waistband the pastor ran one way and the suspect ran back into the church. After exchanging gunfire with the suspect who was barricaded inside he eventually was taken into custody. The incident started in Detroit where the robbery suspect eluded police.

  • DALLAS - a man at a church in Dallas, TX had a heart attack at church. Fortunately, a doctor was nearby as well as a defibrillator. The man lived due to the doctor doing CPR (IS YOUR CHUCH READY TO HELP A HEART ATTACK VICTIM?)

  • CALIFORNIA - A volunteer pastor from Santa Ana, CA suspected of attempting to arrange a sexual encounter with someone posing as a teenage girl remained behind bars Friday afternoon following his arrest over the weekend

  • ALABAMA - a group of churches in Huntsville, Alabama are reporting their mail being stolen on Saturdays.

  • MINNEAPOLIS - A burglar was caught on camera, smashing his way through a Minneapolis mosque ($50,000 IN DAMAGES)

  • VIRGINIA - A pastor has been charged with multiple child sex crimes, according to the Washington County, Virginia Sheriff's Office. The pastor was charged with taking indecent liberties with a child, two counts of aggravated sexual battery, and attempted object sexual penetration. THE CRIME OCCURRED AT A CHURCH EVENT...

  • Portland, OR: Vandals broke into St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church and destroyed the stained-glass windows and spray-painted expletives and crude sexual imagery on the walls.

  • Baltimore, MD: A man entered Mt. Carmel Baptist Church and stole electronic equipment.

  • Portland, OR: Three times this past year St Paul Missionary Baptist Church has had the property used as a dumping ground for old furniture. This past week they brazenly dumped a pickup load in front of the church in the middle of the day.

  • Hampton, VA: Three teenage girls were arrested Sunday for firing shots into the air on the property of Community Presbyterian Church.

  • Clifton Forge, VA: Two men have been charged with felony breaking and entering Immanuel Baptist Church.

  • Dornsife, PA: About $5,000 worth of electronic equipment was stolen from Saint Peter’s Lutheran Church.

  • Memphis, TN: Two men are wanted for breaking into a vehicle that was left overnight in the parking lot of Greater Community Temple Church.

  • Bay Shore, NY: A man was found shot to death in the parking lot of the House of Prayer Church.

  • Saint Andrews, SC: Thieves destroyed four A/C units at Christ Fellowship Church and the replacement costs will exceed $40,000.



  • 1 in 5 youth pastors use porn on a regular basis

  • 1 in 7 senior pastors use porn on a regular basis and currently struggling.

  • That’s more than 50,000 U.S. church leaders.

Ted Bundy was a serial killer and rapist. He confessed to having committed 30 homicides, though the actual number may be much higher. One could never tell if Bundy was being truthful. He was a dirty manipulator. He even managed to escape from jail on two occasions.

He also admitted to using porn beginning at an early age. While in prison he granted an interview, in which he stated that in his conversations with other men who had committed acts of violence, “… every one of them was deeply involved in pornography.”

Bundy wasn’t the only one to confess to a porn addiction. Other serial killers were also regular porn users: Jeffrey Dahmer, Richard Ramirez, and John Wayne Gacy among them. Dahmer even admitted that he prepared himself for the hunt by reviewing pictures of his previous victims, which he considered his victories.


Many argue that viewing porn does not lead to bad behavior. In fact, some have suggested it is actually helpful!.

But, you and I are followers of Jesus, and we are forbidden to allow ourselves to be conformed to this world - with its anti-God philosophies.

We also know something else: porn and lust go hand-in-hand. Lust feeds a porn habit: a porn habit feeds lust. Jesus made it very clear that if we look at a woman for the purpose of lust we have committed adultery in our hearts (Matthew 5). And adultery is simply off-limits for men and women of faith.

Porn generates an estimated $100 billion per year in revenues – that’s an average of about $3,000 per second.

Are you funding the porn industry? I can tell you this: if you cannot go 30 days without looking at porn, you are an addict.

Porn cannot be viewed without having some effect on your life. This fact has been well-documented.

One study showed that college students who used porn three times a week had a higher rate of depression. A study of Swedish teenagers who viewed porn regularly were twice as likely to experience depression. Porn has also been shown to increase anxiety, as well as shame.

Shame is a terrible thing to suffer from. It forces us to keep our heads down because we are always overwhelmed by a sense of sadness about who we are. We conclude that God has no plan for our life and that everyone would be better off without us. Shame can have devastating consequences.

THIS WILL BLOW YOUR MIND: According to Covenant Eyes, a German study revealed that, “… the brains of porn users had actually grown smaller, especially the part of the brain responsible for decision-making and critical thinking.”

And you wonder why you sometimes make bad decisions? If you are caught in the web of porn, your brain is shrinking.

Let me close by offering you some assistance.

You are not going to break the power of porn in your life by willpower or sheer determination. Millions and millions of men (and women) know this to be true. You are going to need intervention. Such help is available at Covenant Eyes.

Covenant Eyes is an internet browser that detects what you view on the internet (whether you use your smartphone, iPad, computer, etc). If you view porn or any questionable material, an email is sent to your accountability partner.

You’re going to need a “brother” who can help you get through this.

Learn more about them by clicking here. The cost to sign up is $16.99/month or $183.99 annually (up to 10 users and unlimited devices).



A friend of mine was attending a safety seminar at which an FBI agent was speaking. Reference was made to the massacre that occurred in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017. If you recall, 58 people were shot to death, and over 500 were wounded.

According to my friend, the FBI agent stated that of the 58 who were killed, half of them might have lived if someone had … applied a TOURNIQUET.

CONSIDER THIS - How often do we mourn the loss of someone who might have lived if someone had simply applied first aid???

I do NOT buy into the statement that you will only die “when it’s your time.” That may sell with some, but not with me.

Every day in this country, over 7000 people die. Many of them, however, would still be around if certain precautions had been taken. The diet of some forced them into an early grave, while in other cases the failure to apply first aid hastened their death.

So - fellow sheepdog - when you go to church tomorrow, serving on the safety team, will you have a TOURNIQUET … ON YOUR PERSON??


Notice the phrase, “on your person.” In other words, your tourniquet is not stored away in some box in a closet, but ON YOUR PERSON.

Let’s be blunt. If you do not carry a TOURNIQUET, you are saying “It will never happen here.” And if that is your attitude, and it would be if you are without a TOURNIQUET, it would probably be best if you excused yourself from serving on the safety team.

Put simply, you do NOT have the necessary mindset to serve in such a capacity.

My advice would be to have every member of the team carry at least TWO TOURNIQUETS.

When I conduct Sheepdog Seminars across the country, I usually ask the crowd, “How many of you carry a tourniquet?” If there are 200 people in the room, maybe 10 respond affirmatively. Most of them haven’t even given it a thought. Most are content with the knowledge that they are carrying a gun, so, what else does one need?

And then I ask another question, and the response always catches me off guard.

“If you have to shoot someone, will you apply a tourniquet on him?” Several nod their heads with a “no” gesture, while the others are silent.

And I stand there stunned!

Did you catch that? I am speaking to a group of men and women who profess faith in Jesus. When asked if they will make an attempt to save the life of someone who is dying right in front of them, they are NOT sure they will.

So - the answer to my question should be a resounding “YES!” Of course we will. Why? BECAUSE … WE … LOVE … JESUS.

And He did not let us die in our sins. We were “bleeding out,” and He came to our rescue, bandaged us, and kept us alive.

As a matter of fact, He did come to you in your dying, bleeding-out state, and saved your life. In Ezekiel 16:6 He says to Israel (and that includes YOU): "‘But I came by and saw you there, helplessly kicking about in your own blood. As you lay there, I said, ‘Live!’”

Yes, your Heavenly Father came to your rescue and saved your life.

Lastly, you must remember that as a member of the church safety team, the sheepdog, it is not only your job to stop violence (if possible) but to know what to do AFTER a violent incident.

You cannot (I repeat, “cannot”) allow the wounded to lie on the floor and bleed out while holding their hand and bidding them goodbye.


Instead, you must whip out your TOURNIQUET, and make every effort to save their life (I‘m assuming the reader knows that the scene must first be made safe. We cannot apply a tourniquet to a killer who still has his gun/weapon in hand).

The one who is dying before you is, in the words of Proverbs 24:11, “being led away to death.” And it is your job, your privilege, to heed what this verse tells you to do when you witness such a scene: “RESCUE those being led away to death…”


(Could your team use some encouragement? I would love to help. Call me and I will share a quick word of encouragement with your team on Sunday morning. We can FaceTime, or you could just put me on speaker phone. I can be reached at 817.437.9693)


Colonel Grossman and the Sheepdog Team are introducing a new kind of seminar: Heart for the City. It is our plan to help sheepdogs (and nonsheepdogs) learn how to “catch the fire” and then become the light in the community.


You need people in your life who CAN … drag you down …

I know, I know. That’s the very opposite of what we are usually taught. “Surround yourself with positive people,” we are told. And of course, there is a place for this, but there is something else you need to know IF … you’re a disciple of Jesus…

In a perfect world, everyone would treat us just the way we want to be treated. I would practice the Golden Rule, and they would respond in the same manner.

But there is something you need to know about your Heavenly Father. He has little, if any, interest in making your dreams come true, nor does He concern Himself with what your “passion” is.

On the contrary, God is first and foremost concerned with His agenda, not yours. He does not to exist to make your dreams come true. (NOTE: almost every recorded dream in the Bible had to do with God’s agenda, and was NOT a personal dream about someone getting what they “dreamed” for).


Bearing that in mind, it is important to understand that His primary goal for your life is not an issue of CAREER, as much as it is an issue of CHARACTER. Put simply, God wants us to become like Jesus. This, Romans 8:29 states, is our “destiny.”

“For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.”

And as John writes in 1 John 22:6 - “He that says he abides in Jesus ought to walk as He walked.”

Part of what it means to become like Jesus is learning to respond appropriately to people who MISTREAT us. It really is His will that you learn to bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you, and do GOOD to those who HATE you…

These are people we are taught to avoid. But what we fail to recognize is that we cannot grow in the faith without such adversaries. WE NEED THE HATERS IN OUR LIFE! We need people who will curse and mistreat us.

And why is that?

Well, if you are to become like Jesus, you must learn to respond to your adversaries as He did. That means if they crucify you, you have to find a way to pray for them: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

READ THIS CAREFULLY - if you get your feelings hurt, and are more concerned about the OFFENSE than the OFFENDER, you have a long ways to go in your journey toward Christ-likeness.

But do NOT be discouraged.

In all honesty, it takes a long time to reach this level of maturity. But know this: that is the goal - that is where God wants to take you.

He wants to bring you to a place where that person you work with who constantly irritates you, offends you, talks behind your back, drags your name through the mud … becomes someone who you can LOVE … And that love will manifest in a reaction to that person in a way that heaps coals of fire on their head (Romans 12).

Think for a moment about the one who brings pain to your life, perhaps someone at work. Right now, thanks God for them, for they are nothing less than an instrument in God’s hand, being used by HIm to transform you into the image of Jesus.

ONE FINAL WORD… God knows that most of us are helpless in pulling this off. The very thought of loving someone who keeps stabbing you in the back is a difficult concept to accept, a tough pill to swallow.

But… do with this commandment what you should do with all the others. Go to God and admit your helplessness. He does not want you to be determined to do these things. He does NOT want you to muster up all the willpower you can. He wants you to come into His presence like a helpless child, receive His grace to “pull this off.”


It’s called Heart for the City, and it’s for all the members of your church. Colonel Grossman is one of our speakers, as well as former Navy SEAL Chad Williams.


Consider this... every Tuesday morning at 6:30 four (4) men meet at Dennys for breakfast. They're good men, all retired, and all attend the same church.

They enjoy their time together each Tuesday.

Without fail, every time they get together they end up discussing everything that's wrong with America. Politics, wars, the environment, blah, blah, blah...

On this particular Tuesday the subject of "education" comes up. They're all in agreement about something: the kids today are NOT that smart. Each of the 4 men has a story about a "dumb kid" to back up his words.

But here's the kicker...

Each of these 4 men are right in their assessment, however, at the same time these 4 men are "all words and no action." In essence, sitting at this table in Dennys is four men who, if the truth were known, really couldn't care less about the country and its kids.

How do I know that?

Because none of these 4 men are going to DO anything to help kids get smarter. They will highlight the ignorance of today's youth; but ask them to consider volunteering a few minutes every week to serve as a mentor at a local school - and they'll laugh in your face....

Years ago, while still a cop, I served a 3-year stint as a School Resource Officer (SRO). I had already been a cop for 20 years when I got the assignment, but it was like starting all over. I couldn't wait to get to work every day...

On one of my first days there I asked the school counselor if there was anything I could do to help.

"Yes," she replied, "I need some mentors."

I asked her that entailed and she told me that mentors only needed to give 20 minutes a week on Mondays. All they would need to do is come sit with the student and listen, or even play a game if the child wanted to.

"NO problem," I said. "I know right where some volunteers are."

A few days later I went to my church (only a few blocks from the junior high) and met with the seniors. They were having their monthly meeting where they played Bingo or a similar type game

I stood before them and told them what I needed - and what the school needed. I was elated when it appeared they were ALL interested..

But when it was all said and done, NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THOSE guys volunteered. NOT ONE.


For three years I pleaded with them, and others,. to serve in this capacity. And I was never - NOT ONCE _ successful in recruiting a volunteer.

Interestingly enough, these were the same individuals who constantly complained about the demise of the country, how God was being left out, and the usual BS we hear from so-called God-fearing Americans.

I WASN'T ABLE TO GET ONE... not one of them, to give a child 20 minutes of their time.

One more word... A few of them, when I asked them to consider mentoring, gave the same dreaded response: "Jimmy, let me pray about it."

Interesting, is it not, how religion causes a man to keep to himself ... and avoid his city...

I could have asked those same folks to go fishing, or hunting, or to a Dallas Cowboys game ... and they would have been all over it...

As Paul Harvey used to say, "And that's the rest of the story..."



In the past 13 years, I have been privileged to conduct Sheepdog Seminars all over the United States. I’ve been in about 40 states: from Seattle to Miami, San Diego to Bangor, Maine, Minneapolis to Houston. Along the way, I’ve conversed with thousands of men and women who profess faith in Jesus.

And long before the launch of the seminars, I was preaching the gospel regularly, having delivered my first sermon in October of 1973. Again, getting to do this put me in the path of tons of men and women who love Jesus.

In those thousands of encounters and ensuing conversations, I have learned something about many of the men and women who profess faith in God: They have a difficult time accepting God for who He is.

You see, when it comes to the subject of God, the difficulty lies in the fact that we have no one to compare Him to. Put simply, He has no equal. You have never met someone who consistently expressed God-like character. Your parents failed, your siblings failed, your friends failed.

There is just no one like Him, and when we begin to learn the truth about Him, it is hard to accept. It’s almost a case of “It’s too good to be true…”

Isaiah 40:25 tells us - “‘To whom will you compare me? Who is my equal?” God doesn’t have a comparison.

Humans are nothing like Him. Humans have limited patience.

  • If you continually offend your friends, they will write you off.

  • If you are unfaithful to your spouse, there’s a good chance you're headed to divorce court.

  • If you violate policy at your workplace, you may end up at the unemployment office.

The truth is, there is absolutely NO ONE in your life that is completely reliable and trustworthy, and who will love you and stand with you through thick and then, hell or high water.


I know this by experience. A few weeks ago my precious daughter died right in front of me. It was, to say the very least, awful. I have cried twice today, and every day I shed some tears. Sometimes I struggle to breathe. I can’t even drive through downtown Ft Worth (where she lived) without an “attack.” As a matter of fact, I’m breaking down as I proofread these words…

Oh, God…help me…

But one of the things that added to my pain was the disappointment I experienced from my friends. To this day, not one of them has come by to check on me; no flowers, no meals, nothing. Gee, not even a five-dollar gift card from my favorite restaurant (McDonald’s!).

I worked with some of these “friends” for 30 years.

Please don’t misunderstand me. I am not mad. I can actually laugh about it, though I do remain puzzled by their actions (or the lack thereof).

But I have learned something extremely valuable during this gut-wrenching time I am going through.

God is a very good Friend.

A year ago I would have said that, but only because it sounded good (after all, I’m a Christian and we’re supposed to say that).

But now, having buried my first child, I have experienced it firsthand. I FEEL HIs comfort, His embrace. And every single time I have poured out my heart to Him, He has loved on me. Every time. He is the true Friend. He is also my Elder Brother. The scripture actually tells us that He is not ashamed to call us Hus brothers.

So - He is the true Friend and the real brother. He is the Complete Package! As it states in Proverbs 17:17 -

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a difficult time.

I’m in a difficult time, a period of adversity. AND HE IS THERE FOR ME!!!

God is not like my friends. He is not like anyone I have ever known, and that is why it is so difficult to accept the truth about Him. And what is the truth?

The truth is, your Heavenly Father is a Ferocious, Fiery, Flaming, Fierce, Passionate, Wild, Romantic, Adventurous Lover!

Now, let me ask you something: Do you know anyone like that? No - you don’t.

You have never in your life encountered someone who felt this way toward you.

And He feels this way about you EVEN … WHEN YOU DO … WRONG!

  • He is not like your boss who is waiting for you to screw up so he can fire you.

  • If you commit adultery, He will not forsake you (but don’t!)

  • If you offend Him in any way …. a bazillion times, He will not quit loving you!

Have you ever thought this: It’s a miracle that God loves me? I have heard thousands of believers say that. I’ve heard it from preachers, televangelists, and a host of others.

But it’s simply NOT true. It is NOT a miracle that He loves you.

As a matter of fact, it would be a miracle if He did NOT love you. How is that? you may ask.

The answer is simple: God IS love - and when He loves you, He is merely being WHO HE IS. He would have to act contrary to His nature to not love you. He can’t help but love you! He is, as Elvis would say, “A hunka, hunka, burning love…” Or as he sings in another of his songs I like, Stuck on You. Yes - your HEavenly Father is “stuck on you!”

The Bible teaches that God is not like man. The love of man comes and goes. They love you one day - they hate you the next.

Millions of men and women have stood at the altar and exchanged wedding vows. Those vows included the words “til death do us part,” but, for many, it turned out to be untrue. We know that from the thousands of people who walk into a courthouse every day and file for divorce. Sometimes justified - sometimes not.

And finally, there is proof of this indescribable love. God is the only One who has sacrificed His Son to show you His love and bring you into His family. Who do you know that would want you in their family so badly that they would have their son killed to pay for your crimes?

Just so they could adopt you into their family…

The proof of God’s love is in the person of Jesus. Get this down: The broken, bloodied, bruised, battered, beaten body of Jesus … is the evidence of God’s love for you.

Elvis singing Burning Love and Stuck on You.


BY JIMMY MEEKS (retired police officer, 49 year minister, conducted over 400 church safety seminars)

Sunday rolls around so quickly, does it not? Tomorrow, millions of Americans will gather in houses of worship.

A few of them, perhaps a handful, will think in terms of safety. But for the overwhelming majority, the threat of violence will never enter their mind.

That won’t be the case for you, however.

The thought of a tragedy, a massacre, will enter your mind (probably several times). Thus, what is definitely required of you is the proper mindset.

The required mindset is the first thing that has to come into play, and all the right actions follow that.

I recall my days as a cop. I went to work every day thinking “this could be my last.” That may seem like a dreadful way to live one’s life, but it’s what kept me alive for 35 years (along with a whole lot of luck!). My sergeant actually once told me, “Jimmy, there must be a God. Cause if there wasn’t - you’d be dead.”

You know “stuff” that your fellow churchgoers don’t know, or at least they don’t think about. You know that mankind is capable of great evil and that every day of the week, dozens of people are murdered, while thousands of others are assaulted.

You also know something else: a tragedy could happen in your house of worship.

Such a thought is very foreign to your fellow worshipers.

And you’re okay with that. You don’t want them dwelling on such morbid thoughts. You don’t want them sitting in their pews, singing a hymn while worried that an angry gunman could walk in at any moment and start shooting.

Knowing that such an atrocity is possible, there is something you must do when you arrive at your house of worship tomorrow - and you must do it before you tend to any other matter.

As a matter of fact, this activity is so important that all other matters must be put on hold until this one is taken care of. Here it is -

As soon as you can, you must gather your fellow sheepdogs and call upon the name of the Lord.

The scripture is quite emphatic about this. It goes so far as to say this…

“…Unless the LORD protects a city, guarding it with sentries (sheepdogs, guards) will do no good.” Psalm 127:1

Are you seeing this? Lean back and ponder on this for a moment. You are actually being told that all of your efforts are useless unless God is your assistant!

If He doesn’t help you, you’re in a heap of trouble.

And this, my fellow guards and sheepdogs, is why you must gather early and pray for His assistance.

Think of it in this way, which is quite staggering:

What if your time of prayer is the very thing that prevents a tragedy from striking your house of worship tomorrow?!

That puts prayer in a whole new light, does it not? Your prayer may release the angels to work on your behalf. And if that doesn’t excite you, there’s a good chance you’re legally dead.

If you need me, consider me at your disposal. You can even call. My number is 817.437.9693.


It’s called HEART FOR THE CITY. Colonel Grossman and others are our featured speakers.

It is designed to awaken your congregation to reach the city.

You’ll love it. CLICK HERE FOR INFO

Want to host a church safety seminar at your church?

We have conducted safety seminars for churches in over 40 states since 2009. Thousands of churches have been represented at these meetings. We would love to come to your church.

Contact us today. Text “seminar” to 817.437.9693 or email us at jimmy@sheepdogseminar.com


LET’S BE HONEST. Christianity is one of the most hated peoples groups in the world.

  • At Least Three Churches Raided in China, Multiple Leaders Arrested - READ STORY

Four Nuns Kidnapped in Southern Nigeria - READ STORY

Fellow sheepdog, it is imperative that we monitor the worldwide persecution of our family. Learn more about the persecution of your family.



BY JIMMY MEEKS (retired police officer, 49-year minister, has conducted over 400 church safety seminars)

A few years ago a police officer, who also served on his church security team, asked me a question. He wanted to know where his church could purchase the film that can be placed over windows that helps to stop the penetration of a bullet.

Instead of a direct answer, I posed a question to him.

“Joe, before I tell you, I want to ask you something. Who at your church is assigned to the entryway, and stands right outside that door - and is armed and trained to stop an active shooter?”

Joe admitted that he had not given that any thought whatsoever. None. Again, the idea of placing somewhere in said position had not even crossed his mind.

Fellow guards, sheepdogs, or whatever you call yourselves, you must tend to this matter.

Consider the following…

On June 22, 1980, about 350 worshipers were gathered inside the sanctuary of First Baptist Church of Daingerfield, Texas. They were very excited. They had just gotten a new pastor, and after the service, they were going to celebrate his arrival with a potluck. The best food in east Texas would be available for everyone.

At about 11:20 a.m, while they were singing the hymn More About Jesus, the unimaginable happened. An angry gunman stormed in the back door, shouted “This is War!”, and then opened fire. He shot 15 people, killing five.

That church would never be the same. To this day, some of its members are still haunted by the memories of that massacre. One of them, a friend of mine named Russell, never recovered. Thirty-four years after the tragedy, Russell took his life.

My wife and I were married in this church three years earlier.

Her grandmother and grandfather were there that day, as well as her great grandmother, Grandma Murphy. A 78-year-old woman seated next to Grandma Murphy took a bullet to the neck and died.

The new pastor of the church was Norman Crisp.

I once heard Pastor Norman say, “I wish we had had someone in the parking lot...”


The Longview Daily News (June 23, 1980. The day after the Daingerfield tragedy)

The photo is from the Longview Daily News - the day after the tragedy in which 5 worshipers were killed and 10 injured. The photo is of the church bulletin used at the service that day. Note the red circle. Inside the circle, you can see bloodstains.

BELOW: click on the play button to hear the ACTUAL AUDIO from the tragedy. It lasts 31 seconds.

I can certainly understand his reasoning. The killer had driven up in a small white car and parked about 15 yards from the front door - and left his car door open.

He then made his way toward the sanctuary, toting two rifles, two handguns, and close to 400 rounds of ammo. He was even wearing a bulletproof vest.

The rest is history.

Consider the tragedy at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas (November 5, 2017). An angry gunman enters the small sanctuary during its worship service and shoots 46 worshipers - killing 26. It would be the site of the worst massacre in the history of Texas.

The killer drove up and parked in the street - directly in front of the church. He exited his vehicle and made his way inside. There was no one there to meet him, no one to take him on.

The rest is history.

Consider the tragedy at New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado (December 9, 2007). Again - an angry man, rifle in hand and hundreds of rounds of ammo, parks his van, exits, and then walks toward one of the entryways. Before he gets inside, he shoots a man and then shoots and killed two of his daughters.

I’ve heard the presentation about this particular tragedy dozens of times. The speaker always calls attention to the obvious: there was no one in the parking lot to confront the killer.

The rest is history.

I once conducted a seminar at a small church in central Texas. Oddly enough, a reporter from Yahoo! News was there. After my presentation, she interviewed some of the church’s members.

One of them made it very clear to the reporter that there was something I had suggested that they had no intention of heeding: assigning someone to the parking lot. He complained about the Texas heat in the Summer.

Are you serious? Surely you’re kidding me. The heat is a bigger concern than the welfare of your congregation (there are solutions to this, such as rotating with someone every 10 to 15 minutes: but please, don’t leave this matter unattended).

If you do leave it unattended, there’s a huge “gap” in your defense. You are giving space to the would-be killer who will enter your church with no resistance (assuming you can see that he is armed, as was the case in the three illustrations referred to above).

Let me help you see something. Film on your windows may thwart a bullet, and armed individuals scattered around your sanctuary is a great idea. But - if you have no one assigned to the parking lot - near the front door and outside - you’re just not … getting it!

I remember speaking to a man who was on his church safety team -

Jimmy, we’ve got about 15 armed people in our church. And we all sit on the front row…

This dear brother meant well, but he had failed to “think it through.” I gently pointed out that he would probably be able to save the pastor and the choir, but would lose everyone else. These killers, I told him, will probably come in the door that puts them near the back of the congregation. “Brother,” I told him, “you’re going to lose all your tithers!” (poor humor on my part).

What do these three illustrations all have in common: First Baptist Church in Daingerfield, Texas (June 1980); First Baptist in Sutherland Springs, Texas (November 2017), and New Life Church, Colorado Springs, CO (December of 2007).


And in each example, the “good guy with a gun” would most likely have seen the culprit was armed, and in a position to provide some resistance - possibly thwarting the tragedy.

If you do assign someone to this position, and he is armed, he must also be the one who has a commitment to training. Remember this: we do not ‘rise to the occasion,’ we sink to the level of our training.

I have met many guys and gals on church safety teams that simply do not train - and some even refuse to do so. Dear leader, if that describes anyone on your team, find a way to remove them. You cannot put such individuals in charge of the safety of your precious flock.

As the leader, you must have individuals who are willing to lay down their lives for the sake of the flock. This is precisely what happened at First Baptist Church in Daingerfield. Two men: James McDaniel and Kenneth Truitt took on the shooter. McDaniel rose from his set and tackled the killer, driving him out the back door. He was then shot to death. Truitt rushed outside to assist but he, too, was shot to death. The photos below are James “Red” McDaniel (left) and Kenneth Truitt.


DON’T FORGET: Jesus warned us that violence in a house of worship is possible -

“Be on your guard; you will be handed over to the local councils and be flogged (assaulted) in the synagogues (in a house of worship).” - Matthew 10:17


VIDEO BELOW: A one-minute sample from our Sheepdog Seminar (and an insight on God the Father!).

Did you know that a movie has been made about the tragedy at First Baptist Church in Daingerfield, Texas? It has won several awards and is probably the best faith-based movie I have ever seen. It is called Faith Under Fire, and it can now be downloaded at NO cost. Click here for more info.

A police officer friend of mine told me: “Only 3 movies have made the hair on the back of my neck stand up: Saving Private Ryan, American Sniper, and Faith Under Fire.”


  • Since 1999, we have had almost 1000 people die a violent death on church and faith-based property (the “record” was in 2017: 114 people died on such property).

  • More Christians were killed for their faith between 1900 and 1999 than the previous centuries combined.

  • 65 percent of violence at churches occurs during the week, such as this story about a pastor smothered inside his church.


The worst case of violence on church or faith-based property I have ever read about happened in Anadarko, Okla. Pastor Carol Daniels was killed inside her church.

According to the autopsy report, Daniels had been stabbed multiple times, her head nearly severed, her hair set on fire.

The killers didn’t stop there. Investigators say her body was also stripped nude, doused with a cleaning solution, and in the opinion of some  — posed as if on a crucifix.



VIDEO BELOW: Jimmy Meeks on CBN (700 Club) news. We would love to come conduct a seminar at your church!

We would love to bring our team to your church and conduct a “church safety seminar.”

We have now conducted about 400 such seminars in 40 states. Thousands of churches have been in attendance.

And if you want, I can bring Lt. Col. Dave Grossman with me.

Text “seminar” to 817.437.9693 - or email us. Carl Chinn is also available. Let us hear from you.

Colonel Grossman sometimes travels with us. Watch the video below to get a taste of what to expect.

Are you familiar with the Faith Based Security Network? Church safety folks are joining the FBSN from all over America. They now have members in 46 states. The organization is led by one of the most knowledgable church safety experts in the country: Carl Chinn. Learn more


By Jimmy Meeks

We often hear that the primary reason God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah was because of their immorality. And the scripture certainly reveals that the loose living among the inhabitants of these cities was cause for concern.

Genesis 19 tells us that two angels came to visit Lot. Lot convinced them to stay the night at his house. While the two were inside Lot's residence, the men of the city came knocking on the door, demanding that Lot send the two outside. The scripture doesn't hide their motive -

 They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.” (Genesis 19:5).

Lot was terrified. He went outside and spoke with the men, pleading with them to back off. He even offered them his two daughters for their sexual pleasure! But they refused, insisting that the two men be given over to them.

You know how this story ends. The "outcry against them" rose up before the Lord, and soon Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by fire and brimstone.

However, there is also another reason these two cities met their doom, one that is rarely addressed.

In Ezekiel 16:49 we have one of the more disturbing verses in all of scripture (we'll look at another one later). Read it for yourself -

 Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy.

I've heard a multitude of ministers address the immorality of Sodom and Gomorrah, and how God rained down His wrath upon them. But I can't recall any of them ever addressing this verse. Here, the Lord makes plain the sins that brought about their destruction: pride, excess of food, prosperous ease, and their failure to aid the poor and needy.

The judgment that befell Sodom and Gomorrah was also because they ignored the poor and needy.

There's another set of "disturbing" Bible verses found in Matthew 25. Here, Jesus will speak of sheep and goats.

He tells of a day when He will return, and all the nations will be gathered before Him. He will then separate the sheep from the goat, placing the sheep on the right, and the goats on the left. But what really troubles me about these passages is how Jesus defines goats and sheep.

The goats, He says, will be cast into the "everlasting fire," while the sheep will be with Him for all of eternity.

For the goats to be cast into hell, one would think that some gross sin must have dominated their lives. Surely the goats were evil, perhaps sexually immoral, or murderers, or thieves, child abusers, robbers, or something along these lines. After all, isn’t everlasting hell, with its torment, reserved for really bad people?

And surely the goats are the "bad."

But that's not the case. Read Matthew 25 carefully and slowly and you learn something that creates a bit of discomfort. It might even cause one to wonder if they’re truly saved - or not.

Jesus actually describes the goats as the ones who saw the needy and did NOTHING about it! They weren't necessarily "evil" people: they just simply ignored all of the needy and broken lives that surrounded them.

Matthew 25:41 tells us that Jesus will say to the goats, "Depart from me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” Wo - these folks, the goats, are "cursed," and are going to a place that was made for Satan and his demons.

What, precisely, did these goats do that warrants such punishment?

Jesus provides the answer in Matthew 25:42 -

 "I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me."

The goats were confused by what He meant. So they asked Jesus the obvious: "When did we see you hungry, or thirsty, or naked, or in prison and not visit you?" Jesus doesn’t hold back. He says to them -

 "Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me."(Matthew 25:45)

Did you catch that? When you come across the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, or the sick - AND DO NOTHING FOR THEM - you are a ... G-O-A-T.

Don't misunderstand what He is saying. He does not mean that every single time we see a homeless person begging on the side of the road, we are obligated to help. Jesus has no desire to put such chains on us.

However, He does mean to communicate that for those of us who are born again, who are His sheep, there is within us a concern for the needy, for the broken, the hungry, and the thirsty. And, if the love of God is truly inside us, we cannot live our lives ignoring their cries. As 1 John 3:17 clearly states -

How does God’s love abide in anyone who has the world’s goods and sees a brother or sister in need and yet refuses help?

Look at that verse again. The Apostle John is asking you a question, and you need to answer it. He is wanting to know how you and I have managed to close our hearts to the needy. He is wanting to know what makes us think that God's love is in us, if we are refusing to help the down and out, the broken and shattered.

When the people asked John the Baptist what they needed to do to be right with God, he told them that “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”
— Luke 3:11

Most of us have "plenty." We own two cars, live in a decent house, and vacation in nice places. And yet it never dawns on us that we might need to consider giving away some of our cash, or maybe even that extra car!

I once heard a famous preacher say, "We have an American brand of Christianity." He was right. We look at all of our stuff and declare, "God has blessed me." And that is true. But you might be failing to see WHY He has blessed you. He did not intend that you merely accumulate a bunch of "stuff." On the contrary, He intended that you give some of it away to the less fortunate.

That begs a question: Where is the principle of sacrifice? Jesus spoke often about this subject, and Paul's letters mention it repeatedly. But somewhere along the way, we tossed out such a conversation. We seem to think like the world does: he who dies with the most toys wins.

So off we go: to the lake with our $30,000 boat, hauled by a $40,000 truck. And then back home to a house we struggle to afford.

I mean no condemnation. The last thing we need is to just "feel bad." Instead, we need to experience some good old-fashioned "conviction." The kind where the Holy Spirit calls attention to our greed, our lust for toys and stuff.

The kind of conviction that may lead us to take that money we saved for a vacation, and give it to a family struggling to buy food.

After all, the last thing I would ever want to hear from Jesus is, "Depart from Me, you cursed," and all because He was hungry, thirsty, or naked, and I chose not to help.

Think about it: I CHOSE TO NOT HELP JESUS. When you shut out the needy, you shut out … Him. And that could make you a … goat.

Don't you find it a bit strange that Jesus said when you withhold from the needy, you are actually withholding from Him?

In conclusion, let me ask you to consider something. Are we justified in screaming at the sexually immoral, when we as the church neglect the needy among us?

Perhaps we are mismanaging our funds. I’m reminded of a church down south that coughed up over 100 million dollars for their new buildings. It even included a one million dollar …

“…towering stone waterfall topped with a luminescent cross. A shallow pool surrounded by green space will provide both a common area for downtown residents and guests and a place for open-air baptism services.”

Strange, is it not, what we will do in the name of the One who, Saint Stephen said, "…does not dwell in temples made with hands” (Acts 7:48).

I should probably shut up. When Stephen made that statement, it got him stoned to death…

We have a new seminar we are introducing!

It is called Heart for the City. Our speakers vary, however, Lt. Col. Dave Grossman is one of our speakers, as well as Jimmy Meeks.

The theme is -

GOD-FEARING AMERICANS, who growing in their love for Jesus, they abound in their love for the city.

The seminar is completely different than our traditional Sheepdog Seminar. The new seminar focuses on how to reach your city with the gospel and how to motivate your flock to do so.

The seminar is open to all of those who are concerned for their country and want to make an impact for Christ. We focus on how to acquire the heart that one must have to do this.

If interested, email us.


The Police are NOT coming to your rescue


Before I go any further, let me clarify something. I am very PRO police. I served as a police officer for 35 years: five in Oklahoma and 30 in Texas. So don’t think that I am in any way opposed to the police.

A couple of years ago, I put 6000 miles on my car in a 3-week period, driving around the nation, stopping at police departments, speaking at roll calls, all to show my support, and provide encouragement, to the police.

But let me also clarify something else: if you find yourself in a situation where an active shooter shows up, it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that the police will be there to help.

Don’t misunderstand me. They will show up (eventually). Once dispatched, they will drive like a bat out of hell to get there.

But they won’t get there in time to save the innocent. The carnage will have already occurred. They will get there just in time to tend to the wounded - while placing crime scene tape around the area.

When I look back on my career I am somewhat startled by a certain fact. I can count on one hand the number of times I was dispatched to a violent crime in progress, and arrived while it was still in progress. That rarely happened. The offender has usually fled the scene before the police arrive.

I was very frustrated by that. I wanted to catch the bad guy while he was still causing trouble, but alas, I seldom did. It wasn’t for lack of trying. I often drove Code 3 to get there - lights and siren - but still no luck.

You’re probably familiar with this statement, but it bears repeating: when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

There is a common problem in police departments across the land. It is public knowledge, but departments really don’t want you to give it too much thought. The fact is, that hundreds of departments across the United States are experiencing a shortage of officers. A job that once had great appeal - no longer does.

In New York City, a record number of officers are leaving. According to the New York Post, 2,465 police officers have filed to leave the department this year. And that’s just New York. Many of the larger cities are experiencing this same dilemma.

You need to understand the challenge this creates for you if you serve on a church safety team. Over 90 percent of the time when a violent offender comes to a church, he will complete his mission before being stopped. The police rarely stop these guys, thus, it depends on you and your team to do so.

And this is true not only for our houses of worship but also true anywhere you go.

Knowing this, I rarely leave my house without my gun. I love the police, I just know better than to count on them (in reality, there is only about one police officer per 10,000 people. And my local PD has refused to assign one of those officers to me!).

I am not in the position that the president, or celebrities are. The Secret Service guards the president, and celebrities can easily afford protective services. But me? I don’t have the means to hire such services. Thus, I have to be the protector of my family. As Colonel Grossman often says, “I am my family’s Secret Service.”


These mass shooters - killers - are not going away.

It does not matter how many laws we pass that are aimed at “gun violence.” The recent bill that made its way through Congress is a joke.

Our elected officials simply don’t understand the capacity for evil that lies in the heart of some of our citizens. And the truth is, few, if any of them, will lose sleep worrying about your safety or mine.

Let me give you an example. The city of Chicago is a very violent place. It has been called “Chiraq,” a nickname it warranted due to its murder rate and violence (i.e. - Chicago’s violence and its similarity to Iraq’s violence).

Recently, someone tossed what was believed to be an explosive device onto a movie set. This alarmed city leaders, since movies and TV shows generate a lot of money in Chicago.

So how did Chicago’s leaders respond? The police department was ordered to remove officers from some of the neighborhoods and assign them to locations where the shows are being made.


What are these killers capable of? In August of 2009, Reverend CArol Daniels was attacked insider her church in Anadarko, Oklahoma. According to the autopsy report, Daniels had been stabbed multiple times, her head nearly severed, her hair set on fire. The killers didn’t stop there. Investigators say her body was also stripped nude, doused with a cleaning solution, and in the opinion of some  — posed as if on a crucifix. more

Thus, we have to take matters into our own hands.

And that explains why I choose to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights.

I am NOT a gun fanatic. I have no gun collection to show off or brag about. My primary interest is the safety and well-being of my family, friends, and fellow Americans. I am not as interested in the 2nd Amendment as I am in the Second Commandment: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

It is LOVE for my family, and my fellow Americans, that compels me to carry a gun. 1 Corinthians 13 - the love chapter - tells me that “love…always protects.”

If your church does not have a safety team that is prepared to stop these killers, you need to consider what is actually going on: there is an absence of LOVE among your flock.

Want to host a church seminar in your area? Contact us, or text “seminar” to 817.437.9693. We have now conducted such seminars for churches across the United States - representing about 20,000 churches. Let us help!