Consider this... every Tuesday morning at 6:30 four (4) men meet at Dennys for breakfast. They're good men, all retired, and all attend the same church.

They enjoy their time together each Tuesday.

Without fail, every time they get together they end up discussing everything that's wrong with America. Politics, wars, the environment, blah, blah, blah...

On this particular Tuesday the subject of "education" comes up. They're all in agreement about something: the kids today are NOT that smart. Each of the 4 men has a story about a "dumb kid" to back up his words.

But here's the kicker...

Each of these 4 men are right in their assessment, however, at the same time these 4 men are "all words and no action." In essence, sitting at this table in Dennys is four men who, if the truth were known, really couldn't care less about the country and its kids.

How do I know that?

Because none of these 4 men are going to DO anything to help kids get smarter. They will highlight the ignorance of today's youth; but ask them to consider volunteering a few minutes every week to serve as a mentor at a local school - and they'll laugh in your face....

Years ago, while still a cop, I served a 3-year stint as a School Resource Officer (SRO). I had already been a cop for 20 years when I got the assignment, but it was like starting all over. I couldn't wait to get to work every day...

On one of my first days there I asked the school counselor if there was anything I could do to help.

"Yes," she replied, "I need some mentors."

I asked her that entailed and she told me that mentors only needed to give 20 minutes a week on Mondays. All they would need to do is come sit with the student and listen, or even play a game if the child wanted to.

"NO problem," I said. "I know right where some volunteers are."

A few days later I went to my church (only a few blocks from the junior high) and met with the seniors. They were having their monthly meeting where they played Bingo or a similar type game

I stood before them and told them what I needed - and what the school needed. I was elated when it appeared they were ALL interested..

But when it was all said and done, NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THOSE guys volunteered. NOT ONE.


For three years I pleaded with them, and others,. to serve in this capacity. And I was never - NOT ONCE _ successful in recruiting a volunteer.

Interestingly enough, these were the same individuals who constantly complained about the demise of the country, how God was being left out, and the usual BS we hear from so-called God-fearing Americans.

I WASN'T ABLE TO GET ONE... not one of them, to give a child 20 minutes of their time.

One more word... A few of them, when I asked them to consider mentoring, gave the same dreaded response: "Jimmy, let me pray about it."

Interesting, is it not, how religion causes a man to keep to himself ... and avoid his city...

I could have asked those same folks to go fishing, or hunting, or to a Dallas Cowboys game ... and they would have been all over it...

As Paul Harvey used to say, "And that's the rest of the story..."