In the past 13 years, I have been privileged to conduct Sheepdog Seminars all over the United States. I’ve been in about 40 states: from Seattle to Miami, San Diego to Bangor, Maine, Minneapolis to Houston. Along the way, I’ve conversed with thousands of men and women who profess faith in Jesus.

And long before the launch of the seminars, I was preaching the gospel regularly, having delivered my first sermon in October of 1973. Again, getting to do this put me in the path of tons of men and women who love Jesus.

In those thousands of encounters and ensuing conversations, I have learned something about many of the men and women who profess faith in God: They have a difficult time accepting God for who He is.

You see, when it comes to the subject of God, the difficulty lies in the fact that we have no one to compare Him to. Put simply, He has no equal. You have never met someone who consistently expressed God-like character. Your parents failed, your siblings failed, your friends failed.

There is just no one like Him, and when we begin to learn the truth about Him, it is hard to accept. It’s almost a case of “It’s too good to be true…”

Isaiah 40:25 tells us - “‘To whom will you compare me? Who is my equal?” God doesn’t have a comparison.

Humans are nothing like Him. Humans have limited patience.

  • If you continually offend your friends, they will write you off.

  • If you are unfaithful to your spouse, there’s a good chance you're headed to divorce court.

  • If you violate policy at your workplace, you may end up at the unemployment office.

The truth is, there is absolutely NO ONE in your life that is completely reliable and trustworthy, and who will love you and stand with you through thick and then, hell or high water.


I know this by experience. A few weeks ago my precious daughter died right in front of me. It was, to say the very least, awful. I have cried twice today, and every day I shed some tears. Sometimes I struggle to breathe. I can’t even drive through downtown Ft Worth (where she lived) without an “attack.” As a matter of fact, I’m breaking down as I proofread these words…

Oh, God…help me…

But one of the things that added to my pain was the disappointment I experienced from my friends. To this day, not one of them has come by to check on me; no flowers, no meals, nothing. Gee, not even a five-dollar gift card from my favorite restaurant (McDonald’s!).

I worked with some of these “friends” for 30 years.

Please don’t misunderstand me. I am not mad. I can actually laugh about it, though I do remain puzzled by their actions (or the lack thereof).

But I have learned something extremely valuable during this gut-wrenching time I am going through.

God is a very good Friend.

A year ago I would have said that, but only because it sounded good (after all, I’m a Christian and we’re supposed to say that).

But now, having buried my first child, I have experienced it firsthand. I FEEL HIs comfort, His embrace. And every single time I have poured out my heart to Him, He has loved on me. Every time. He is the true Friend. He is also my Elder Brother. The scripture actually tells us that He is not ashamed to call us Hus brothers.

So - He is the true Friend and the real brother. He is the Complete Package! As it states in Proverbs 17:17 -

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a difficult time.

I’m in a difficult time, a period of adversity. AND HE IS THERE FOR ME!!!

God is not like my friends. He is not like anyone I have ever known, and that is why it is so difficult to accept the truth about Him. And what is the truth?

The truth is, your Heavenly Father is a Ferocious, Fiery, Flaming, Fierce, Passionate, Wild, Romantic, Adventurous Lover!

Now, let me ask you something: Do you know anyone like that? No - you don’t.

You have never in your life encountered someone who felt this way toward you.

And He feels this way about you EVEN … WHEN YOU DO … WRONG!

  • He is not like your boss who is waiting for you to screw up so he can fire you.

  • If you commit adultery, He will not forsake you (but don’t!)

  • If you offend Him in any way …. a bazillion times, He will not quit loving you!

Have you ever thought this: It’s a miracle that God loves me? I have heard thousands of believers say that. I’ve heard it from preachers, televangelists, and a host of others.

But it’s simply NOT true. It is NOT a miracle that He loves you.

As a matter of fact, it would be a miracle if He did NOT love you. How is that? you may ask.

The answer is simple: God IS love - and when He loves you, He is merely being WHO HE IS. He would have to act contrary to His nature to not love you. He can’t help but love you! He is, as Elvis would say, “A hunka, hunka, burning love…” Or as he sings in another of his songs I like, Stuck on You. Yes - your HEavenly Father is “stuck on you!”

The Bible teaches that God is not like man. The love of man comes and goes. They love you one day - they hate you the next.

Millions of men and women have stood at the altar and exchanged wedding vows. Those vows included the words “til death do us part,” but, for many, it turned out to be untrue. We know that from the thousands of people who walk into a courthouse every day and file for divorce. Sometimes justified - sometimes not.

And finally, there is proof of this indescribable love. God is the only One who has sacrificed His Son to show you His love and bring you into His family. Who do you know that would want you in their family so badly that they would have their son killed to pay for your crimes?

Just so they could adopt you into their family…

The proof of God’s love is in the person of Jesus. Get this down: The broken, bloodied, bruised, battered, beaten body of Jesus … is the evidence of God’s love for you.

Elvis singing Burning Love and Stuck on You.