BY JIMMY MEEKS (retired police officer, 49 year minister, conducted over 400 church safety seminars)

Sunday rolls around so quickly, does it not? Tomorrow, millions of Americans will gather in houses of worship.

A few of them, perhaps a handful, will think in terms of safety. But for the overwhelming majority, the threat of violence will never enter their mind.

That won’t be the case for you, however.

The thought of a tragedy, a massacre, will enter your mind (probably several times). Thus, what is definitely required of you is the proper mindset.

The required mindset is the first thing that has to come into play, and all the right actions follow that.

I recall my days as a cop. I went to work every day thinking “this could be my last.” That may seem like a dreadful way to live one’s life, but it’s what kept me alive for 35 years (along with a whole lot of luck!). My sergeant actually once told me, “Jimmy, there must be a God. Cause if there wasn’t - you’d be dead.”

You know “stuff” that your fellow churchgoers don’t know, or at least they don’t think about. You know that mankind is capable of great evil and that every day of the week, dozens of people are murdered, while thousands of others are assaulted.

You also know something else: a tragedy could happen in your house of worship.

Such a thought is very foreign to your fellow worshipers.

And you’re okay with that. You don’t want them dwelling on such morbid thoughts. You don’t want them sitting in their pews, singing a hymn while worried that an angry gunman could walk in at any moment and start shooting.

Knowing that such an atrocity is possible, there is something you must do when you arrive at your house of worship tomorrow - and you must do it before you tend to any other matter.

As a matter of fact, this activity is so important that all other matters must be put on hold until this one is taken care of. Here it is -

As soon as you can, you must gather your fellow sheepdogs and call upon the name of the Lord.

The scripture is quite emphatic about this. It goes so far as to say this…

“…Unless the LORD protects a city, guarding it with sentries (sheepdogs, guards) will do no good.” Psalm 127:1

Are you seeing this? Lean back and ponder on this for a moment. You are actually being told that all of your efforts are useless unless God is your assistant!

If He doesn’t help you, you’re in a heap of trouble.

And this, my fellow guards and sheepdogs, is why you must gather early and pray for His assistance.

Think of it in this way, which is quite staggering:

What if your time of prayer is the very thing that prevents a tragedy from striking your house of worship tomorrow?!

That puts prayer in a whole new light, does it not? Your prayer may release the angels to work on your behalf. And if that doesn’t excite you, there’s a good chance you’re legally dead.

If you need me, consider me at your disposal. You can even call. My number is 817.437.9693.


It’s called HEART FOR THE CITY. Colonel Grossman and others are our featured speakers.

It is designed to awaken your congregation to reach the city.

You’ll love it. CLICK HERE FOR INFO

Want to host a church safety seminar at your church?

We have conducted safety seminars for churches in over 40 states since 2009. Thousands of churches have been represented at these meetings. We would love to come to your church.

Contact us today. Text “seminar” to 817.437.9693 or email us at


LET’S BE HONEST. Christianity is one of the most hated peoples groups in the world.

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Fellow sheepdog, it is imperative that we monitor the worldwide persecution of our family. Learn more about the persecution of your family.