The "Weapon" Church Safety Teams are NOT using (but need to start)


We often hear that the best way to respond to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. And there have been instances where the good guy did come through. But they are few and far between. The truth is, the good guys with guns are seldom in the same place where the bad guys are. Thus, the killer can do his thing with no opposition.

There are over 350 million guns in the United States. Some estimates are as high as 390 million. According to the Washington Post, in January of 2021 over two million guns were sold. The article states that the motivation for the surge in sales is the fear of “violence and political uncertainty.”

Yet still, the violence rages on.

The “good guys” are just not in place to stop the attacks. In the Walmart massacre in El Paso in August of 2019 (23 shot and killed, 23 more injured), several licensed to carry citizens were in the building. Yet none of them were able to confront the killer. Stories like this continue to be told.


For those who are born-again believers, these acts of senseless violence deeply trouble us (or they should). We are reminded of the words of David in Psalm 11:5 -

“...the Lord hates the man who loves violence.”

And the words of David’s son, Solomon, also bear witness with us;

“…the Lord hates ... hands that shed innocent blood...”

These verses, and many more, clearly reveal God’s attitude toward those who commit unlawful acts of violence.

In our Sheepdog Seminars, I always point out that God has a plan to stop this violence. And that plan is ... YOU. There is no backup plan, no “Plan B.” We who are blood-bought and born again have been tasked with impeding this endless flow of violence that destroys the lives of the innocent.

And as important as it may be to carry our gun when out in public, and to be ready to confront these killers, we have to admit to a certain truth; it’s not working.

We are going to have to utilize another weapon, one that, to my knowledge, no security organization is advocating. You’re not likely to attend any safety seminar that will promote its use.

It - this special weapon - has a history of effectiveness. But it is too often avoided, and the reason for that is the sheer ignorance of God’s people. Hosea the prophet was right; “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6).

This special weapon has the potential to bring calm to the country that we have not known in a long time. It could help thwart the killing of our police officers. As of June 2021, 26 police officers have been killed by gunfire. In all, 146 officers have died in the line of duty. We are on pace for another high number of police deaths.

This weapon of which I speak will be mocked by those outside the faith. And unfortunately, it will be mostly ignored by those who claim to have faith in Jesus. Even among those who promote “church security,” you’re not likely to hear the call for the application of this special weapon. But we need to give it serious consideration, especially since most of our efforts are failing.

Ezra, from the Old Testament book which bears his name, made use of this weapon. It paid off for him. He found himself in a dangerous situation. He was tasked with helping to transport over 5000 Jews back to Jerusalem. It would be a long journey, over 500 miles. The route he would take would put him and his fellow countrymen in harm’s way. The trail was filled with robbers and killers.

Ezra knew he needed security, however, by his own admission, he was too ashamed to ask the king for military assistance. After all, he concluded, since he had told the king God would be with them, surely his God would protect them. Ezra well knew the dangers of the path they would have to take, which, according to Ezra 8:32, included the threat of ambushes.

So Ezra decided to retrieve his “weapon,” and use it against the threats they might face.

And what was this special “weapon?”



At first thought, such a tactic seems ridiculous. But Ezra knew that he and his fellow Jews would need something far more superior than military might; they would need God. Ezra understood what King David had written in Psalms 127;

“...unless the Lord watches over a city, the watchman (security guards) stays alert in vain.”

Ezra’s choice of weapons paid off. He had solicited the help of God, as opposed to the military resource of the king. And God had not failed him. He records in 8:23 that God was “receptive” to his prayer, which, according to Ezra 8:21, had been accompanied with fasting.

Consider the wonder of this; Ezra transports 5000 Jews back to Jerusalem (800 miles), and in spite of the threats along the way, there is not one report of an act of violence.

I am not advocating that we abandon our guns. I am a firm believer in the Second Amendment, and the right of every citizen to protect himself and those he loves - including his community. When I leave the house, I have a gun on me. I am not a gun fanatic, and my “gun collection” is nothing to show off. I am determined to protect the innocent.

What I am advocating, though, is that we who profess faith in Jesus, need to make use of our “spiritual weapons,” which, according to 2 Corinthians 10, are “mighty through God.”

Does your church safety team make use of this weapon - the weapon of fasting?

  • Have you gathered them together on occasion and cried out to God in a time of prayer and fasting?

  • Has it ever dawned on you that doing so may be the very thing that stops a violent act from being committed at your church?

A friend of mine, Kevin, used this special weapon at his church. I don’t know if he still does so, but after hearing me speak about this, he decided that on Sunday mornings he would skip breakfast (fasting), and cry out to God as he made the church ready each Sunday. His pastor learned what he was doing and decided to join him. The last time I spoke with Kevin, he said they have not had one single act of violence!

Could it be that the God of Ezra is just as eager to help us as he was Ezra? If that be true, and I believe it is, perhaps we need to make use of the same weapon Ezra did.

Imagine what could happen if this weapon is as powerful as scripture indicates?

  • Wouldn’t it be a glorious thing to see violence begin to decrease?

  • What if our churches, many of whom have experienced violence and disturbances, saw a decline in such senseless incidents?

Let me ask you this; are your people worth it? Are they worth you skipping a meal (fasting) and crying out to God for their protection? And what about the rest of your city? Perhaps once or twice a month you could fast and pray while walking around one of the local schools. Who knows, perhaps doing so will stop a school shooting.

Maybe your men’s group, instead of meeting for breakfast, could gather at the local police department, and fast and pray, asking God to do what Ezra requested; protection from ambushes.

What if your fasting and praying shut down the rioting and looting that is tearing our country down?

One final thought. If you’ve read the gospels, you know that the Lord Jesus was constantly in danger: He had his enemies. After preaching one of his first sermons, Luke 4 tells us that the people were enraged at him. As a matter of fact, they were so angry that they dragged him out of the temple, down the street, and were about to hurl him over the edge of a cliff. His response is very interesting, to say the least;

“But He passed right through the crowd and went on His way.”

Luke 4:30.

HE ...JUST ... WALKED ... AWAY. Unharmed. No injuries. No need for medical attention.

But what I find so interesting is what happened in Jesus’ life prior to this near-death experience; Luke 4 tells us that He spent 40 days in the desert...fasting. Luke 4:14 states that after those 40 days of fasting, he returned “in the power of the Spirit.” That power was from His Father. No devil or disease could conquer it. An angry, violent mob was not even able to withstand it.

Brothers and sisters - don’t we need that kind of power? It seems foolish to believe that we can expect the Power He Possessed while ignoring the Principles He Practiced - that unleashed such power. In other words, if Jesus deemed it necessary to fast, should we not conclude likewise?

I am by no means advocating a 40-day fast as Jesus did. But surely we can skip a meal a time or two a month and cry out to our Father.

Dear God - awaken your sleeping church. Let us see the seriousness of this hour, the threats from the enemy who is determined to steal, kill, and destroy. Let us see the value of the people around us. You have shed your blood for us; help us to “shed” a meal now and then, and cry out to you, confident that the God who heard Ezra - will hear us!



MASS KILLINGS, mistakenly called “mass shootings,” appear to be on the rise. Truth be told, no one is safe, regardless of where they go, the shopping center, or a house of worship.

There are over 350 million guns in this country, and a lot of them are in the hands of those with evil intent. The recent killings in South Carolina, California, Colorado, Maryland, Georgia, and Indiana support this claim. The sad fact is, there are weapons of all sorts that are in possession of those who have lost all hope, are driven by rage, and have no problem slaughtering the innocent.

Even as I write these words, there are killers who, tucked away in the privacy of their dwelling, are plotting the deaths of innocents. 

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I served as a police officer for 35 years. One of the most frustrating things about being a cop was my tardiness to calls of violence. I can count on one hand the number of times I was able to get to the scene of a violent crime in progress - and stop it. Though I drove like a “bat out of hell” to get there, the perp was usually gone upon my arrival.

The truth is, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away. I am as pro-police as I know how to be, but I also know the truth; the police are not going to be there for you when the bullets start flying. 

In light of this, it’s important that you make a certain decision in your life on behalf of your family, friends, fellow workers, and fellow worshipers. And it’s a simple one: Assume Responsibility For The Safety Of Those You Love.

These mass killings are not going to stop. You and I know that regardless of what laws are passed, they will not have the power to stop these heartless killers from attacking innocent people. We also know that the criminal element is not going to surrender their guns. Oh, they may sell their weapon at a police department-sponsored buy back, but only to pick up some extra cash for drugs (or invest in a better gun). 

You must assume responsibility for the lives of those you love. Here are three things you need to do ... now:

1- TRAIN. Being a Possessor of a Gun is not the same as being a Protector with a Gun. A protector must train, thus, you’ve got to have some range time. If you find yourself in a gun battle, it is going to be the most harrowing experience of your life. It may traumatize you to the point that you never recover. When the bullets start flying, it will be mass confusion, unlike anything you have ever experienced. Your life will NEVER be the same. 

If you are not at least partially prepared, you may even make the situation worse. Your hand may have such trembling that your shots go in all directions, wounding, or, heaven forbid, killing, innocent people. 

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2. TOURNIQUETS. When I’m conducting a seminar, I often ask the crowd how many carry a tourniquet. If 200 people are in the room, maybe 10 will raise their hand. This is disheartening. It reveals how unprepared we are. It also reveals our belief that we don’t think such a tragedy can happen in our presence.

A friend of mine attended a seminar where an FBI agent spoke. The agent said that of the many who died in the Las Vegas tragedy (October 1st, 2017), half of them would have lived had someone put a tourniquet on them. 

If you carry a gun, you must also carry a tourniquet. You must not only be prepared to stop a killer, but also prepared to “stop the bleeding.” If they’re bleeding out, you must apply a tourniquet. Too many people are dying, that would not die, if only someone around them simply knew what to do. 


3. ACCESS TO LEGAL DEFENSE. If you have to use deadly force to stop someone, your life is going to be drastically changed. You may even face criminal charges, which means you’re going to need an attorney. This could cost you thousands of dollars.

Perhaps your financial situation is such that losing several thousand would not affect you: but for the average person, it could mean financial ruin. You may have to sell your house, or at the very least, drain what savings you may have. 

The answer to this is simple: invest in an organization that provides legal defense. I chose US LAW SHIELD. They can cover you for as little as $10.95 a month.



If you belong to them, and find yourself in a situation where you have used deadly force, you will only need to make a phone call. An attorney will answer and come to your aid immediately. You will never pay another dime for your attorney’s services, whether in criminal or civil court.



Protectors are not like others. They are keenly aware that evil lurks behind the bushes, and may pop out at any moment. Protectors pay attention to their surroundings. They tend to look around when they enter a store, a mall, a theater. They make a mental note of anything that doesn’t look right. 

This is what it means to be a sheepdog. The sheepdog is at least part of the solution to our present crisis. We cannot count on law enforcement to be everywhere at all times. And we are not like the politicians, celebrities, and the wealthy who can easily afford to hire their own protectors.

Living as the sheepdog, we must assume responsibility for the safety of those we love. Not everyone can handle this, but for those who can, commit to serve as a protector. 


David George is a pastor of a small church in Washington State. On Father’s Day - June of 2018 - he and his a few members of his family went to a Walmart in Tumwater, WA. Pastor David was at the customer service desk when he heard a popping sound.

Pastor David is no ordinary preacher. He’s a concealed pistol permit holder, a gun range safety officer, and a volunteer firefighter and EMT who has gone through active shooter training. As he made his way outside, the killer walked passed him, waving a gun.

In the parking lot, the gunman tried to hijack a car, shooting two times into the driver’s side, and then walking away. The killer then managed to take a vehicle from another driver, at which time Pastor David engaged him, shooting and stopping him.

But pastor’s work was not through. He grabbed his medical bag from his car and began first aid on the motorist that had been shot. David would later say: 

“I carry a firearm for the same reason that I carry a first aid bag, hoping never to have to use them, but always being prepared nonetheless.”

King David and Pastor David have a lot in common. It was 3500 years ago that the young David stood before a nine-foot tall giant that threatened the innocent. He took him out with a single rock, eliminating the threat to the people of Israel. Hundreds of years later, another David - this one also a shepherd - took on another “Goliath” when he, too, posed a threat to innocent lives. 

Fortunately, in both scenarios, there were two prepared men, and both of them, driven by a love for their God and His sheep, exhibited the courage necessary to thwart the plans of the evil one.

I once heard a famous televangelist say that David “wasn't even trained.” I almost fell out of my chair. Apparently, this minister had not read David’s words where he credits God for his skills, sharpened by training -

Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.

(Psalm 144:1)

May God raise up a whole generation of such “Davids.” 



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VIDEO: After getting off work on Sunday morning, Denver, Co Police Officer Antonio Milo took his son to church. Fortunately, he also took his gun. A gunman/killer arrived as church was just about over. Officer Milo was able to stop the killer.



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By Carl Chinn


Like others passionate about a calling, what launched me into this mission was not just one event. Some things impacted me more than others. One of the most significant was the death of Dallas Police officer John Glenn Chase on Saturday, January 23rd, 1988. We lived in Texas then.

Chase had stopped a driver for a traffic violation in downtown Dallas when an antagonist pulled him into a side confrontation, then got control of his .44 magnum revolver. As young officer Chase begged for his life, people came out of a nearby McDonald’s yelling for the antagonist to “shoot him”. After he shot Officer Chase in the head, some yelled for him to “shoot him again.” He did.

Others sat in McDonalds, drove past or walked by without intervening. The thug killed him in front of a crowd of indifferent and unwilling witnesses. The senselessness of that scene has stuck with me for 33 years.

The next day our pastor (Glen Roachelle) told us, “Men! If you see something like that happening, the worst thing that could happen to you if you intervene, is that you will die.

Eight years later I walked into a scene where an angry gunman with alleged explosives was holding 2 women at gunpoint in our ministry while ordering everyone else out of the building.

What I am about to disclose, is something I’ve never stated publicly. Standing there watching a determined gunman and terrified hostages was the scariest moment I had ever encountered at that time. It was not bravery, chivalry or training that kept me from leaving. It was the memory of John Chase and a pastor’s words, “… the worst thing that could happen…”

That is why, when everyone but the hostages and I were gone and the gunman ordered me out at gunpoint, I said the scariest thing I had ever said, “I can’t do that.” It got scarier from there.

Think About it:

That day, more than anything else, changed my life. Now I want to challenge it forward.

If the day comes that you see someone in desperation, the worst thing that could happen is that you might die helping. Would that be worse than living with the memory of being indifferent or unwilling?

If you die trying to help the innocent, we will ask your church to name a conference room after you.

5 Lies Abused Women Believe

In my 35 years as a police officer, I responded to hundreds, perhaps thousands, of domestic violence calls. Over the years I began to notice common denominators in these situations.

Here are 5 LIES I have seen women believe that kept them in their violent situation. I know that “lies” is a strong word, but that is precisely what they are. Men have found a way down through the centuries to exercise great power over people - especially women - by “the power of the lie.” 


It is not my intent to make you feel bad in the following points that will be made. However, you can be on your way to being helped and to a better life if you can SEE the lies that you have believed that have kept you in this abusive situation you’re presently in.

Your abuser has manipulated and deceived you - but you can break that hold he (or she) has on you and begin a new life. Let’s look at the lies you may have fallen prey to.



  • Yes, it will be difficult if you leave; Yes, you will have hard times. Yes - making it financially will be tough: but you can do it! Many women down through the years have had to do it, and they did. You have as much courage and determination as they did. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and there are many resources out there that can, and will, assist you.


  • Yes, there will be some pain for the children. But the pain they are enduring while watching their mother get hit is far worse. Furthermore, if you stay and keep taking the blows, you are teaching your children that violence against women is acceptable. It is a known fact that many male children who observe violence grow up and repeat what they have seen - they become the next generation of abusive men.


  • I have witnessed this more times than I can remember in my years as a cop. I am not saying that it is impossible; but I am saying it is very seldom - hardly ever - that a woman changes her husband.

    However, if you flee your abuser, you are putting him in a position to face what he is doing wrong; that hitting you is a terrible and wicked thing to do. Research has shown that men whose wife leaves them due to abuse, often seek help.



  • Some churches are terrible at making people, especially women, feel bad. If your church, or your pastor, tells you to stay in a violent and abusive situation - find another church! They probably wouldn’t feel that way if THEY were the one being hit on day and night. The Bible says “The Lord...hates the man who loves violence.” God is not asking you to stay in this terrible situation. He is your Heavenly Father who is passionately in love with you, who is determined to help you: And has arranged for you to be reading these words right now!


  • This is one of the biggest lies women believe. Does he allow you to hit him when HE aggravates you? Of course not! This is a way of thinking that you have slowly come to believe. But you must silence this deadly thought. YOU ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS ANGER. Besides, the law does not allow someone to assault another in response to words alone. You must stop believing this. And you must face WHY HE GETS ANGRY: He gets angry because he does not get his way! Period.

There may be one more lie you are believing that keeps you in this violent situation. You may, deep down inside, be plagued by an utter sense of worthlessness. By that I mean you may actually have allowed yourself to come to a point where you believe that you don’t deserve any better than what you presently have; that you are not worthy of a better man. THIS IS A LIE! The truth is, sister, he is not worthy of you. You are a Queen; he is a pauper. Get him out of your castle!



We have new training videos available at a very low cost. We are keeping the price low because these are hard times for many of you (none are more than $15).

We are constantly adding to them. We also have one on Verbal De-Escalation. Click here to see what we have.


ELVIS would stand up for the police...

I have always loved Elvis. I've dragged all of my children to Memphis, and walked them through Graceland. The I drive through Memphis, I usually go out of my way to at least pass by his mansion.

I hate that he's dead (if he really

Did you know that he had a thing, an obsession, with police officers. As a matter of fact, when he was a kid, he often talked about becoming a police officer when he grew up.

When he came to town to perform, he often got his security from local police officers, whom he befriended quickly. Once while in Denver, he purchased several cars for a group of cops (several Lincolns and one Cadillac).

One time he even had a blue flashing light on top of one of his cars, and occasionally made a traffic stop! He would flash one of his badges, lecture the speeder, give'm an autograph, then be on his way! The "violator" would be stunned, but then had an awesome story to share with his family.

A Memphis Police Officer once said, "I don't care where he was, whenever he saw the police, Elvis always stopped and talked to them. He would drive up beside them in the street and get them to pull over. He would spend hours at a time talking with them in different places."

He was also known to stop at police stations and visit officers who were having to work holidays instead of getting to be home with their families.

He once came across a traffic accident and got out of the car and directed traffic! It was gong well until the bystanders realized it was Elvis Presley.

He collected police badges everywhere he went and sometimes showed his gun collection to officers.

He also enjoyed ride-alongs with Memphis police officers. A former captain with the Memphis PD once wrote that, "Elvis was a down-to-earth person in our presence — a man who just happened to be famous. He actually appeared to be in awe of us, rather than the other way around."

Elvis, if you are alive, please come help us fix this mess!


ELVIS would stand up for the police...

I have always loved Elvis. I've dragged all of my children to Memphis, and walked them through Graceland. The I drive through Memphis, I usually go out of my way to at least pass by his mansion.

I hate that he's dead (if he really

Did you know that he had a thing, an obsession, with police officers. As a matter of fact, when he was a kid, he often talked about becoming a police officer when he grew up.

When he came to town to perform, he often got his security from local police officers, whom he befriended quickly. Once while in Denver, he purchased several cars for a group of cops (several Lincolns and one Cadillac).

One time he even had a blue flashing light on top of one of his cars, and occasionally made a traffic stop! He would flash one of his badges, lecture the speeder, give'm an autograph, then be on his way! The "violator" would be stunned, but then had an awesome story to share with his family.

A Memphis Police Officer once said, "I don't care where he was, whenever he saw the police, Elvis always stopped and talked to them. He would drive up beside them in the street and get them to pull over. He would spend hours at a time talking with them in different places."

He was also known to stop at police stations and visit officers who were having to work holidays instead of getting to be home with their families.

He once came across a traffic accident and got out of the car and directed traffic! It was gong well until the bystanders realized it was Elvis Presley.

He collected police badges everywhere he went and sometimes showed his gun collection to officers.

He also enjoyed ride-alongs with Memphis police officers. A former captain with the Memphis PD once wrote that, "Elvis was a down-to-earth person in our presence — a man who just happened to be famous. He actually appeared to be in awe of us, rather than the other way around."

Elvis, if you are alive, please come help us fix this mess!


Yes, Pete Rose got banned from baseball for gambling. But that does not change the fact that he was one of the greatest baseball players ever. He is the all-time leading hitter with 4,256 hits. In addition to that, he won three World Series rings, three batting titles and was once crowned Most Valuable Player of the year.

And he was a “heckuva” base stealer, often diving head first into the bag.

He would make a great church safety instructor?


Rose was once asked to explain his phenomenal success as an athlete. His answer was simple -

“I practice what I’m NOT good at. Most folks practice what they’re good at.”

I have often heard it said that “Men do not rise to the occasion; they sink to the level of their training.”

If this present chaos and violence in our country has not awakened your church safety team, I’m not sure what will. If they’re still asleep, there’s a strong possibility that they’re either comatose or legally dead.

These protests and violence are not going to end anytime soon. And you can bet that as churches began to reopen, they will become targets for such acts (we have already documented some such incidents)

One of the most common complaints I hear from church safety team leaders is that they cannot get their team to train. This is not good. But these gun carriers are quick to point out, “It’s my 2nd Amendment right to bear arms.”

Yes, it is. But you are violating a very sacred principle.

Yes, it is your right to bear arms. That privilege has been sealed with the blood of our forefathers. However, the right to carry, and the responsibility to train, are not one and the same.

If you want to be someone who just carries a weapon, that’s your privilege. However, if you are going to serve on a team that is committed to protecting innocent lives from being slaughtered, that’s a whole different scenario —


If that’s not you, then do your congregation, and your fellow team members, a favor: get off the team.



Why would you carry a weapon and not have immediate access to legal defense? If you have to use deadly force, you will need a lawyer (and about $20,000). I encourage you to get US LAWSHIELD. It will cost you about 10.95 a month. They will defend you if you have to use any legal weapon to protect yourself or others.

I can help you sign up today. Text “defense” to 817.437.9693.

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The Based Security Network is in 49 states. Your church safety team would do well to learn more about them.

Their experience and knowledge of church security is phenomenal.


PSALM 144:1

“Praise the LORD, who is my rock. He trains my hands for war and gives my fingers skill for battle.

- King David




It is still difficult to accept the time in which we live. This pandemic just won’t go away. Over 125,000 have now lost their life, and thousands of others have been struck by this killer virus.

Add to that the protesting and rioting, and it makes for a country in chaos. The 24-hour news networks constantly flood our mind with reminders and images of how difficult the present times are. It’s taking a toll on millions. 

Recently I was meditating on Matthew chapter 9. Jesus was on the move: curing diseases and casting out demons. The people were being tremendously blessed, exclaiming, “We have never seen anything like this in Israel.” 

The power of God coming out of Jesus was flowing into countless lives, ridding them of the hopelessness that so many had experienced.

And then you come to the last three verses in Matthew 9. It’s then that you discover God’s solution to the brokenness of man. 

In Matthew 9, after healing many people, Jesus looks out on the crowds before Him. We’re told that when He saw them, He was “moved with compassion.” 

This word - compassion - is the strongest word for “pity” in the Greek language. It could be said that Jesus was moved to the point of hurting when he looked at the multitudes, filled with pity.

In the New International Version, it states the people were “harassed and helpless.” These are very descriptive phrases. According to one Bible commentator, “harassed” carries the idea of a corpse which is flayed and mangled; someone who has been plundered, or is weary due to a long journey.  The other phrase, “helpless,” indicates someone who has fallen to the ground due to drunkenness, or the result of an injury.

Does this not sound like millions of Americans in this present hour? They’ve been plundered; they’re worn out, they’re lying on the ground, suffering from an injury that an assailant has inflicted.

According to the Washington Post -

  • Half of Americans claim the pandemic is harming their mental health

  • A federal emergency hotline for people in emotional distress registered a more than 1,000 percent increase in April compared with the same time last year

It was heartbreaking to read the story of 23-year old John Mondello, an EMT in the Bronx (New York). Only three months into his job he took his life.

This stress is certainly having affect on the world of law enforcement. This year, 87 police officers have taken their life (five officers have been shot and killed in the last 35 days - 51 officers have died from the virus).

What is the answer to all this heartbreak?

Jesus provides it in Matthew 9. He turns to His disciples and lays the truth on the table:

“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.”

There is no “PLAN B” dear reader. God’s remedy for this present hour is the same as it has always been. It is not the Democrats or the Republicans: the Left or the Right. His remedy for the chaos of the present hour is … YOU.







  • 9/11 related cancer - 3 

  • Aircraft accident - 1 

  • Automobile crash - 14 

  • COVID19 - 51 

  • Duty related illness - 2 

  • Gunfire - 27 

  • Gunfire (Inadvertent) 1 

  • Heart attack - 4 

  • Motorcycle crash 2 

  • Struck by vehicle 4 

  • Vehicle pursuit - 2 

  • Vehicular assault - 5 

The sickness of mankind requires a doctor: and YOU have been called to heal.

Matthew 9 closes with these words: “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."

  • YOU are one of those workers. 

  • YOU are just as “called” as your preacher. The calling on his life is no more important than the one on YOUR life! 

  • YOU have been commissioned as surely as any missionary on this planet. 

We must stop waiting for someone else to fix this mess.

Our politicians have failed us time and time again. The answer does not lie in the White House: it lies in God’s House. And that house is … YOU (“we are His house” - Hebrews 3:6).

I realize that the virus has severely limited us for now, but it has not completely shut the door. Pick up the phone, call a friend, and encourage him - her.

Send an email to someone you know that is “harassed and helpless.”

For heaven’s sake, do more than just post your gripes on facebook! If there is a situation that troubles you, see what you can do to fix it! Do more than just sit in your favorite chair watching the news, complaining how , “the country is falling apart!”

Don’t just watch the news: make the news!

In the midst of this pandemic and rioting in streets, don’t be silent. The Commander-in-Chief of the Lord’s Army (Jesus) has called you up. You have been officially declared “active.” Put on the whole armor of God and dive into the midst of this chaos.

Seek His face until you know what He wants you to do.


On the 4th anniversary of the murder of five police officers in downtown Dallas (July 7, 2016), I decided to “do something” to show my support for police (I’m a 35-year retired officer).

I made my own signs and found myself a busy intersection where I could display them (click here to read an article from Law Officer about my experience.)

There is no "Plan B" (for the virus or the riots)

It is still difficult to accept the time in which we live. This pandemic just won’t go away. Over 125,000 have now lost their life, and thousands of others have been struck by this killer virus.

Add to that the protesting and rioting, and it makes for a country in chaos. The 24-hour news networks constantly flood our mind with reminders and images of how difficult the present times are. It’s taking a toll on millions. 

Recently I was meditating on Matthew chapter 9. Jesus was on the move: curing diseases and casting out demons. The people were being tremendously blessed, exclaiming, “We have never seen anything like this in Israel.” 

The power of God coming out of Jesus was flowing into countless lives, ridding them of the hopelessness that so many had experienced.

And then you come to the last three verses in Matthew 9. It’s then that you discover God’s solution to the brokenness of man. 

In Matthew 9, after healing many people, Jesus looks out on the crowds before Him. We’re told that when He saw them, He was “moved with compassion.”



We are going to offer online training to those churches that need it.

If you want to host a seminar for your group, text “online” to 817.437.9693

This word - compassion - is the strongest word for “pity” in the Greek language. It could be said that Jesus was moved to the point of hurting when he looked at the multitudes, filled with pity.

In the New International Version, it states the people were “harassed and helpless.” These are very descriptive phrases. According to one Bible commentator, “harassed” carries the idea of a corpse which is flayed and mangled; someone who has been plundered, or is weary due to a long journey.  The other phrase, “helpless,” indicates someone who has fallen to the ground due to drunkenness, or the result of an injury.

Does this not sound like millions of Americans in this present hour? They’ve been plundered; they’re worn out, they’re lying on the ground, suffering from an injury that an assailant has inflicted.

According to the Washington Post -

  • Half of Americans claim the pandemic is harming their mental health

  • A federal emergency hotline for people in emotional distress registered a more than 1,000 percent increase in April compared with the same time last year

It was heartbreaking to read the story of 23-year old John Mondello, an EMT in the Bronx (New York). Only three months into his job he took his life.

This stress is certainly having affect on the world of law enforcement. This year, 87 police officers have taken their life (five officers have been shot and killed in the last 35 days - 51 officers have died from the virus).

What is the answer to all this heartbreak?

Jesus provides it in Matthew 9. He turns to His disciples and lays the truth on the table:

“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.”

There is no “PLAN B” dear reader. God’s remedy for this present hour is the same as it has always been. It is not the Democrats or the Republicans: the Left or the Right. His remedy for the chaos of the present hour is … YOU.

The sickness of mankind requires a doctor: and YOU have been called to heal.

Matthew 9 closes with these words: “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."

  • YOU are one of those workers. 

  • YOU are just as “called” as your preacher. The calling on his life is no more important than the one on YOUR life! 

  • YOU have been commissioned as surely as any missionary on this planet. 

We must stop waiting for someone else to fix this mess.

Our politicians have failed us time and time again. The answer does not lie in the White House: it lies in God’s House. And that house is … YOU (“we are His house” - Hebrews 3:6).

I realize that the virus has severely limited us for now, but it has not completely shut the door. Pick up the phone, call a friend, and encourage him - her.

Send an email to someone you know that is “harassed and helpless.”



  • 9/11 related cancer - 3 

  • Aircraft accident - 1 

  • Automobile crash - 14 

  • COVID19 - 51 

  • Duty related illness - 2 

  • Gunfire - 27 

  • Gunfire (Inadvertent) 1 

  • Heart attack - 4 

  • Motorcycle crash 2 

  • Struck by vehicle 4 

  • Vehicle pursuit - 2 

  • Vehicular assault - 5 

For heaven’s sake, do more than just post your gripes on facebook! If there is a situation that troubles you, see what you can do to fix it!

Don’t just watch the news: make the news!

In the midst of this pandemic and rioting in streets, don’t be silent. The Commander-in-Chief of the Lord’s Army (Jesus) has called you up. You have been officially declared “active.” Put on the whole armor of God and dive into the midst of this chaos.

Seek His face until you know what He wants you to do.

On the 4th anniversary of the murder of five police officers in downtown Dallas (July 7, 2016), I decided to “do something” to show my support for police (I’m a 35-year retired officer).I made my own signs and found myself a busy intersection where …

On the 4th anniversary of the murder of five police officers in downtown Dallas (July 7, 2016), I decided to “do something” to show my support for police (I’m a 35-year retired officer).

I made my own signs and found myself a busy intersection where I could display them (click here to read an article from Law Officer about my experience.)


By Carl Chinn (Pres. of the Faith-Based Security Network).

We have watched as our nation was brought to its knees by an unseen virus. Then we were angered at a reprobate police officer who abused his authority while three subordinates stood aside not daring to stop their bully officer.

Then the discussion on racism got hijacked by anarchists bent on destruction instead of reconciliation. Three watching one and doing nothing turned into millions watching bully mobs and doing nothing.

Now we see a nation of angry, fearful citizens. News is all about the worst discovered atrocity designed to enrich the fuel-soaked unrest with headlines of incite instead of insight.

A nation where seldom is heard, an encouraging word.


Consult the most infallible words of all times. Open your bibles first; not your computer screen, TV or newspaper. Start every day on the enduring guidance God gave us. Absorb every word.


Learn more about the Faith-Based Security Network. Churches across America are joining this organization. You can also contact Carl Chinn from the website.

Carl has been on faith-based property two times when an angry gunman showed up. Once when he worked for James Dobson, and a second time when he was on the church security team in Colorado Springs.

Carl Chinn. “I know of no one with more passion and desire to help churches create safe atmospheres than Carl Chinn. He eats, sleeps and drinks it.”

Carl Chinn. “I know of no one with more passion and desire to help churches create safe atmospheres than Carl Chinn. He eats, sleeps and drinks it.”

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” (Philippians 4:4-9 NIV).


Think About it

We are returning to our walls. Those emerging from the rubble of calamity are continuing to be inundated with noise. They need encouragement. They have had enough discouragement to drive them mad – a relentless stream they don’t know how to shut off.

I can’t fix Seattle, Minneapolis, media madness or political idiocy. I can manage my own life and my own circle of influence. We all can.

We can choose to encourage or discourage, and don’t have to reinvent the wheel. There is text to follow.

This week ends the first half of 2020 and starts the last. The first half was ugly. Start the last half the only place you have control over; yourself and your responsible circle.

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up…” (1 Thessalonians 5:11)


It was a Bloody Sunday

It was 40 years ago today that an angry man, armed with two rifles and two handguns, rushed into the sanctuary of First Baptist Church of Daingerfield, Texas (2 hours east of Dallas). He had 400 rounds of ammo in a bag, and wore two flak jackets as well as an army helmet.

He stormed into the sanctuary at about 11:20 a.m., as the congregation was singing the offertory hymn: More About Jesus. About 350 of them were gathered.

It was supposed to be a special Sunday. The church had a new pastor, Norman Crisp. After the services, they were going to gather on the grounds and celebrate his arrival with a huge feast. “Excitement was in the air,” one of the members said.


The picture above is from the Longview, Texas newspaper the day after the tragedy. The photo is the church bulletin from the Sunday morning services of First Baptist Church of Daingerfield, Texas. The red circle highlights the blood spilt from one of the victims who was shot in the service. Click photo to enlarge

Here’s the memorial outside the front of the church. I was actually married in this church on August 23, 1977. It was three years that the tragedy occurred.

And then the day turned … dark.

The lone gunman entered the sanctuary, shouted “This is War!” - and opened fire.

A little girl seated on the back pew jumped up to see what was going on. A shot to the head ended her life.

Another stunned worshiper turned toward the gunman. He had no time to react. A shot to his stomach ended his life.

A 78-year old woman, seated next to my great grandmother, took a bullet to the back of the neck. Within seconds she was gone. 

400 bullets could have caused unprecedented tragedy. Fortunately, there were at least two sheepdogs in the house.

James “Red” McDaniel and Kenneth Truitt. Only heaven knows what would have happened had these men not stepped up. McDaniel served in WW2. His wife once told me that her husband had “fought in two wars" -  WW2 and then the other one: at the church on…

James “Red” McDaniel and Kenneth Truitt. Only heaven knows what would have happened had these men not stepped up. McDaniel served in WW2. His wife once told me that her husband had “fought in two wars" - WW2 and then the other one: at the church on June 22, 1980.

James McDaniel (photo: left) rose from his seat and charged the killer. His wife Laverne had taken two rounds to the back. 

McDaniel, his eyes "red like blood," took on the mindset of a linebacker. He charged toward the killer, wrapped him up, and drove him out the back door. The blow against the door was with such force that it came loose from its hinges. 

McDaniel took a shot to the heart and soon slipped into eternity.

Right behind McDaniel was 6'6" 320 pound Kenneth Truitt. He, too, went after the killer. Unfortunately he was shot in the chest and died two hours later. 

When the smoke cleared, 15 people had been shot; five of them were dead. The church was horrified. Many had initially thought it was a skit of some sort, but the presence of the blood and the screams soon revealed it was anything but that.


An 11-year old boy, Russell (photo to right), sitting near the front, had jumped up and watched the ordeal play out. He ran out the side door to get away. Once outside, he looked across the street and saw the killer lying on the ground near the fire department. He went and stood over him; recognized him as the man who had given him a dog only two weeks earlier.

Russell’s life would spiral downward after that. He later told me that when he turned 16, his mother no longer forced him to go to church. He stayed away from churches for the next 30 years. But the effect of what he had seen that day never left him. In January of 2014, he killed himself. Man - I sure do miss Russell.

This is the Longview, Texas newspaper the next day. The red circle I put there is to highlight the bloodstain on the picture, which is the church bulletin that they had at the church service that Sunday.

This is the Longview, Texas newspaper the next day. The red circle I put there is to highlight the bloodstain on the picture, which is the church bulletin that they had at the church service that Sunday.

Our country is in a mess right now. 2020 has been a year to forget. The virus and the riots are tearing our country apart.

Such turmoil is going to bring out the worst in some people. YOU BETTER BE READY!

Police departments are under attack and cops everywhere are considering resigning. The poor and pathetic leadership of many of our nation’s leaders are opening the door to a flood of violence.

The police are not going to be able to come to your rescue. YOU HAVE TO BE READY.

91% of the time that killer comes to church, he completes his mission before he is stopped. Thus the old saying is true: when seconds count - the police are only minutes away.


The churches will not escape this violence. Killers know that houses of worship are easy targets.

Several years ago I was privileged to work with the amazing Sondra Hicks of HeartStone Pictures in the production of a docudrama about the tragedy in Daingerfield, Texas. It is called Faith Under Fire. This movie is available to view from now until July 20 by clicking here. It will cost you 20 dollars to do so, but it is worth it. Watch the trailer below. Click here to watch it.

Interested in having a seminar with our team? Text “seminar” to 817.437.9693 and we will contact you shortly.

We can also do one online. Let us know.