MASS KILLINGS, mistakenly called “mass shootings,” appear to be on the rise. Truth be told, no one is safe, regardless of where they go, the shopping center, or a house of worship.

There are over 350 million guns in this country, and a lot of them are in the hands of those with evil intent. The recent killings in South Carolina, California, Colorado, Maryland, Georgia, and Indiana support this claim. The sad fact is, there are weapons of all sorts that are in possession of those who have lost all hope, are driven by rage, and have no problem slaughtering the innocent.

Even as I write these words, there are killers who, tucked away in the privacy of their dwelling, are plotting the deaths of innocents. 

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I served as a police officer for 35 years. One of the most frustrating things about being a cop was my tardiness to calls of violence. I can count on one hand the number of times I was able to get to the scene of a violent crime in progress - and stop it. Though I drove like a “bat out of hell” to get there, the perp was usually gone upon my arrival.

The truth is, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away. I am as pro-police as I know how to be, but I also know the truth; the police are not going to be there for you when the bullets start flying. 

In light of this, it’s important that you make a certain decision in your life on behalf of your family, friends, fellow workers, and fellow worshipers. And it’s a simple one: Assume Responsibility For The Safety Of Those You Love.

These mass killings are not going to stop. You and I know that regardless of what laws are passed, they will not have the power to stop these heartless killers from attacking innocent people. We also know that the criminal element is not going to surrender their guns. Oh, they may sell their weapon at a police department-sponsored buy back, but only to pick up some extra cash for drugs (or invest in a better gun). 

You must assume responsibility for the lives of those you love. Here are three things you need to do ... now:

1- TRAIN. Being a Possessor of a Gun is not the same as being a Protector with a Gun. A protector must train, thus, you’ve got to have some range time. If you find yourself in a gun battle, it is going to be the most harrowing experience of your life. It may traumatize you to the point that you never recover. When the bullets start flying, it will be mass confusion, unlike anything you have ever experienced. Your life will NEVER be the same. 

If you are not at least partially prepared, you may even make the situation worse. Your hand may have such trembling that your shots go in all directions, wounding, or, heaven forbid, killing, innocent people. 

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2. TOURNIQUETS. When I’m conducting a seminar, I often ask the crowd how many carry a tourniquet. If 200 people are in the room, maybe 10 will raise their hand. This is disheartening. It reveals how unprepared we are. It also reveals our belief that we don’t think such a tragedy can happen in our presence.

A friend of mine attended a seminar where an FBI agent spoke. The agent said that of the many who died in the Las Vegas tragedy (October 1st, 2017), half of them would have lived had someone put a tourniquet on them. 

If you carry a gun, you must also carry a tourniquet. You must not only be prepared to stop a killer, but also prepared to “stop the bleeding.” If they’re bleeding out, you must apply a tourniquet. Too many people are dying, that would not die, if only someone around them simply knew what to do. 


3. ACCESS TO LEGAL DEFENSE. If you have to use deadly force to stop someone, your life is going to be drastically changed. You may even face criminal charges, which means you’re going to need an attorney. This could cost you thousands of dollars.

Perhaps your financial situation is such that losing several thousand would not affect you: but for the average person, it could mean financial ruin. You may have to sell your house, or at the very least, drain what savings you may have. 

The answer to this is simple: invest in an organization that provides legal defense. I chose US LAW SHIELD. They can cover you for as little as $10.95 a month.



If you belong to them, and find yourself in a situation where you have used deadly force, you will only need to make a phone call. An attorney will answer and come to your aid immediately. You will never pay another dime for your attorney’s services, whether in criminal or civil court.



Protectors are not like others. They are keenly aware that evil lurks behind the bushes, and may pop out at any moment. Protectors pay attention to their surroundings. They tend to look around when they enter a store, a mall, a theater. They make a mental note of anything that doesn’t look right. 

This is what it means to be a sheepdog. The sheepdog is at least part of the solution to our present crisis. We cannot count on law enforcement to be everywhere at all times. And we are not like the politicians, celebrities, and the wealthy who can easily afford to hire their own protectors.

Living as the sheepdog, we must assume responsibility for the safety of those we love. Not everyone can handle this, but for those who can, commit to serve as a protector. 


David George is a pastor of a small church in Washington State. On Father’s Day - June of 2018 - he and his a few members of his family went to a Walmart in Tumwater, WA. Pastor David was at the customer service desk when he heard a popping sound.

Pastor David is no ordinary preacher. He’s a concealed pistol permit holder, a gun range safety officer, and a volunteer firefighter and EMT who has gone through active shooter training. As he made his way outside, the killer walked passed him, waving a gun.

In the parking lot, the gunman tried to hijack a car, shooting two times into the driver’s side, and then walking away. The killer then managed to take a vehicle from another driver, at which time Pastor David engaged him, shooting and stopping him.

But pastor’s work was not through. He grabbed his medical bag from his car and began first aid on the motorist that had been shot. David would later say: 

“I carry a firearm for the same reason that I carry a first aid bag, hoping never to have to use them, but always being prepared nonetheless.”

King David and Pastor David have a lot in common. It was 3500 years ago that the young David stood before a nine-foot tall giant that threatened the innocent. He took him out with a single rock, eliminating the threat to the people of Israel. Hundreds of years later, another David - this one also a shepherd - took on another “Goliath” when he, too, posed a threat to innocent lives. 

Fortunately, in both scenarios, there were two prepared men, and both of them, driven by a love for their God and His sheep, exhibited the courage necessary to thwart the plans of the evil one.

I once heard a famous televangelist say that David “wasn't even trained.” I almost fell out of my chair. Apparently, this minister had not read David’s words where he credits God for his skills, sharpened by training -

Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.

(Psalm 144:1)

May God raise up a whole generation of such “Davids.” 



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VIDEO: After getting off work on Sunday morning, Denver, Co Police Officer Antonio Milo took his son to church. Fortunately, he also took his gun. A gunman/killer arrived as church was just about over. Officer Milo was able to stop the killer.



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