Jimmy Meeks speaking to the crowd at the Huntington Beach, California Sheepdog Seminar (LA Times).

Jimmy Meeks speaking to the crowd at the Huntington Beach, California Sheepdog Seminar (LA Times).

So, HBO (Home Box Office) gives me a call a couple years ago. They had seen an article about Sheepdog Seminars, picture included, on the front page of the Los Angeles Times. The Sheepdog “thing” had caught their attention, and they wanted to know more.

Assuming we were all about guns, they call me. The caller worked for VICE NEWS, a division of HBO.

It wasn’t long before they delved into the question about guns. “Do you guys carry guns?” she asked.

 “Some do, some don’t,” I replied. “But we don’t just wear guns: we also wear towels.”

My response threw her off. Apparently, the article had led her to believe that we were all about guns. And though we are certainly believers in the 2nd Amendment, I told her, we are about so much more.


I then went on to explain the “weapon” called a towel.

If you’re a sheepdog and serve as such in your church (or anywhere for that matter), you must also wear a towel. This is true for all who are adherents to the Christian faith. Throughout scripture, the towel is repeatedly emphasized. As a matter of fact, if you profess faith in Jesus, it is far more important that you wear a towel - more so than a gun (I know some Christian sheepdogs who are far more acquainted with their gun than they are the towel).

What, then, is the towel? It is explained in the gospel of John, chapter 13:

 “Jesus knew that the Father had given him authority over everything and that he had come from God and would return to God. So he got up from the table, took off his robe, wrapped a towel around his waist, and poured water into a basin. Then he began to wash the disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel he had around him.”

The towel is the “weapon” we use to wash the feet of others. Jesus made this clear a few verses later:

 “…since I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each other’s feet.”

 Yes, fellow sheepdog, this is your high calling. You must not only be good with your gun: you must be good with your towel. And the power of the towel is clearly seen in Jesus’s use of it: he washed feet.

Consider this carefully: Jesus is the Lord of all. He is the Creator of all things. He rules the heavens above, and the earth below. Yet, even though he possesses all of this authority and power, he chose to wash the smelly, dirty feet of his disciples.


Washing feet in Jesus’ day was reserved for the lowest of the servants. It was the task of the “slave of the slaves.” If you washed feet, you were on the bottom of the totem pole.

And yet, here is Jesus, the Son of God, girded with a towel, washing the feet of sinful men.

Consider just how dirty their feet were. Walking around the streets of Jerusalem, one would often step onto the manure left by the various animals. This is one reason why foot-washing was necessary. Someone had to remove the “crap” from the feet of their guests. Thus, the lowliest of the slaves was summoned to the room, and there he engaged in the most unpleasant of tasks: removing dirt and dung from the house guests.

And this is what Jesus did.

And this is your calling, too.

Fellow sheepdogs, next time you’re at church, see how many feet you can wash. Now, I don’t mean that you need to ask those who enter to remove their socks and shoes so that you can do so. There are other ways to “wash feet.” The whole idea of washing feet implies that we are willing to be the servants of all men.

When at church (or anywhere), make an attempt to “out-serve” everyone else. Here is a way you can do so…

Everyone who enters the house of worship should see your extended hand. A handshake is a powerful act. It conveys to the recipient that you have acknowledged him/her, and you’re thrilled that they have come to church. Some churches have realized this and have established what is commonly called the “first impressions ministry.”

Remember this: before they do anything else inside your church, they will have an encounter with you! And some who enter your house of worship may be “at the end of their rope.” They may be there as a last resort, hoping to discover something that may lead them to believe that there is “hope.” And their first contact is … Y-O-U.

Let me add something important about this. One of the reasons you’re doing the sheepdog thing at church is because you’re aware of the threat of violence. Chances are, this Sunday or the next, someone somewhere is going to attend a church and create a disturbance of some sort. If they enter your church and receive a hearty handshake, and you look them straight in the eyes as you speak, you may well have prevented an act of violence.

Those who enter a church with evil intent want to keep a low profile. They don’t want a greeting, a handshake, someone looking into their eyes, or, worse, having to engage in a lengthy conversation.

Thus, if you have a “bad feeling” about someone who enters, quickly extend your hand. Offer not only a handshake, but your name. The longer they are engaged with you, the more uncomfortable they will become (and this is good if you suspect trouble). Thus, if they have evil intent, your contact with them may thwart their plan.

There’s something else you need to know about your handshake. This may be something you have never given any thought to, but it is worthy of your consideration… so, here goes… get ready…

Research has revealed something very interesting about the human heart. The heart of every human being emits “waves.”* These waves travel at least 10 feet from our body and, furthermore, strike the brain of everyone within that radius (it is suspected that they travel even further, however, technology only allowed them to measure 10 feet. Research was conducted by Heart Math Institute).

If a person is happy, compassionate, and caring (along with other such attributes), then the waves that proceed from them contain those particular emotions. Your “joyful, happy waves” will strike those within 10 feet and may result in lifting their spirits.

You’ve heard the phrase, “when he comes in, he lights up the room.” There’s actually a ton of truth in that statement. He “lights up the room,” or “spreads darkness,” depending on what’s in him.

Now, consider this. Jesus talked about these “waves” when he walked the earth. He said of those who believed in him that “rivers of living water” would flow forth out of their innermost being (i.e. heart). What does this mean for you as you serve as the church’s sheepdog?

It means this: your handshake is no mere handshake: “rivers of living water” are coming out of your hand – and your heart. Or, as our researchers discovered, “waves” are pouring out of you, striking everyone with whom you come into contact. If you’re happy, caring, and compassionate: if a smile is on your face: if joy is springing from your heart, then, that is what you are passing on to those whose hand you shake!



Perhaps you’re looking for some guidance on how to protect the flock when they gather on Sunday morning (or whenever they gather). Let’s take a few minutes and observe an SMP (Sunday Morning Plan). Perhaps this will help your team with some sense of order and direction.

  1. Arrive at least an hour or so before members start showing up.

  2. Gather your team at a central location (fellowship hall or somewhere that’s adequate in terms of space).

  3. Have a devotional time. It is absolutely essential that your team be “spiritually minded.” If you like, use the devotion we have posted for you at www.sheepdogsafetytraining.com/church. A new devotion is posted every Sunday morning at 6:00 a.m. east coast time (try to view them in order).

  4. After the devotional, cry out to the Lord for his assistance in what you are about to undertake. It may be that he will reveal to you something that’s going to happen, which you can then thwart. Or, your prayer may cancel the agenda of the enemy.

  5. Get in the habit of praying without bowing your head or closing your eyes. Jesus had a habit of looking toward heaven when he prayed, as in the following cases…

    1. John 17:1 - “…Jesus…looked toward heaven and prayed…”

    2. Luke 9:16 - “taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven and said a blessing over them…”

    3. John 11:41 - “Jesus looked up to heaven and said, ‘Father, thank you for hearing me…’”

    4. Mark 7:33 - “Jesus… looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh…”

I am the LORD your God, and I rescued you from Egypt, so that you would never again be slaves. I have set you free; now walk with your heads held high. (Leviticus 26:13)

A church in Tennessee told us that after hearing us share this at a seminar, they decided to put it into practice. On the third Sunday they were doing so (keeping their eyes open during prayer, heads up), they saw a man enter the sanctuary and steal a purse. They chased him down and retrieved the purse!

Don’t talk to your Father “up in heaven,” while looking down toward hell. Your Father has paid a high price for you to come into His presence: the blood of His Son. Come boldly with your head held high.

One more thing about this. Do you remember the massacre of the nine African-American brothers and sister at the church in Charleston in 2015? One of the survivors of that tragedy was Felicia Sanders. Ms. Sanders would later say in an interview with NBC news that the killer, “Caught us with our eyes closed.” Jesus told us to “watch and pray…” (Matthew 26:41)


Before the team disperses and engages in their various assignments, it is important that they are in possession of the right equipment.

  • Tourniquets. If you do not have a tourniquet on your person, you have basically said, “It won’t happen here.” There are murder victims in their graves who would still be with us if…someone had applied a tourniquet (we have tourniquets in our store). Again, the tourniquets must be on your person.

It should go without saying that your team should have a “medic bag” on hand. This would include tourniquets as well as other items you may need.

Also, does your team have an AED? (we have them in our store). AEDS are also essential. They can save lives, and have done so all over the world.

“Sudden Cardiac Arrest is the number one cause of out-of-hospital death in the United States.  Most victims of Sudden Cardiac Arrest can be saved if an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is attached to their chest within 3 minutes.”

  • Two-Way Radios. Try to issue each team member a two-way radio.

    • Mobile phones are not sufficient in the matter of communication.

    • And don’t use any app that that advertises itself as some kind of two-way radio.

    • Actual two-way radios are the best. If you don’t have such radios, consider purchasing them. You will find excellent radios in our store.

Another important point about radios. They are extremely valuable when a child is lost and you need to shut down the place and contain the child in the circle. In this case being able to communicate is invaluable (by the way, does your church have a “lost child plan?”).

  • You might also consider flex cuffs (or even handcuffs). This is necessary if you have to subdue someone (especially if they have brandished or used a weapon). I know of a church that had to take down a shooter. Not having any means to restrain them, they tried to pin him to the ground. He pulled out a knife and stabbed three of them.

ATTIRE. This may seem trivial, but it’s not. You should not be wearing shorts or sandals. The reason is obvious. In the event you have to run or fight, sandals and shorts will impede you. Think like a soldier.

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Your team members will need to have an assignment. Don’t “wing it.” The team leader should always know two things -

  • Who will serve on the team this particular Sunday…

  • What his/her assignment will be…

Giving the team members an assignment prevents confusion. It also creates a sense of urgency and seriousness.



Assuming the team has arrived early, you are now ready for your “sweep.” This is very important.

At least four (4) team members need to embrace this assignment. Each of the four will go to a point where the church property meets with the roadway (or adjacent property)

  • Each of the four will choose either a north, south, west, or east point location.

  • From your “point,” conduct an outer sweep of the premises – working your way all the way to the building structure (see diagram for explanation - click on picture to enlarge).

  • Check for anything out of the ordinary (assuming that worshipers have NOT yet arrived)

  • Abandoned cars. If you do not know who a car belongs to, note the license plate and call it in to the police. They will not be allowed to tell you who owns the car, but if it’s stolen, they will respond and assume responsibility for the car.

  • Devices/objects left in the parking lot. Be very careful in this. I know of a church that once found a bomb in the parking lot. Not knowing it was a bomb, it was tossed into a trash bin. It later exploded.

  • Check behind all bushes and hedges. Over 150 dead bodies have been found on church and faith-based property since 1999. Check thoroughly.

  • Check the air-conditioner.

  • If it’s a DLR (Don’t Look Right) - deal with it.

  • Check the parking lot thoroughly. And while you’re at it, pick up the trash. Don’t see this as something beneath you. You follow a foot-washer.

  • Conduct this sweep before people arrive.

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By now you will be nearing the doors of the church.

Checking them is very important. Each one should be shut and locked.

  • If you pull on a door and it opens, there’s a good chance it has been unlocked and opened for quite some time (working the midnight shift once, I spent the night checking doors of churches. Before 0300 hours, I had found eight open and unlocked doors at churches throughout the city).

  • If it is opened or unlocked, it is also possible that someone may be “living” inside. This has been known to happen on many occasions.

  • PLEASE NOTE: If you suspect that someone is in there, you must call the police and let them respond and deal with this situation. Even if you are armed, you should not check inside. The police are trained to do that. What makes a good and sensible “church security guard” is one who knows when to call the police. Don’t try to be a hero. Doing so could get you killed.


    • What was done outside, must also be done inside. You must make sure the inside is ready to be occupied. Within an hour or so, congregants will begin to fill the building. Your sweep is making things ready.

    • If possible, use a separate group than the outside team. This team can conduct their sweep while those outside are doing likewise.

    • Check every room, including bathrooms. We have tons of stories about homeless people finding their way into churches. This very thing happened at a church in my area a few weeks ago. When the safety team arrived early, they discovered a homeless man fast asleep on a church pew.

    • Check the sanctuary. Take note of any items lying about. If it “doesn’t belong” there, take the appropriate action.

    • Check the area surrounding the platform; around the pulpit, in the choir loft, and even around the musical instruments.


WARNING - Do not think that conducting these “sweeps” are ridiculous or unnecessary. Remember: you have assumed responsibility for the protection of the flock. You cannot allow yourself to think like sheep do! You have a greater understanding of what evil people are capable of doing.



This is crucial, and failure to do so could be costly.

You have at least three (3) perimeters on your church property:

  • Perimeter # 1 - The Parking Lot

  • Perimeter # 2- The Foyer

  • Perimeter # 3 - The Sanctuary.

Each of these perimeters must be manned. Let me offer a quick summary of what that would look like, and let’s begin with Number Three - The Sanctuary.

  • Team members must be strategically stationed inside the sanctuary. Most of them need to stay on the outer edges of the sanctuary (ends of pews, etc).

  • Make sure a team member is stationed near the pastor. Hopefully, you have already told the pastor what the plan is should an attack occur.

  • If possible, station a member in the choir. This may, to some extent, seem odd. However, a view from the choir loft is good, allowing the team member to see throughout the sanctuary (being able to sing is not a requirement!).

  • Along these lines, if your church has a balcony, it is an excellent place to have a team member.

  • Make sure team members are stationed near the entry doors.


  • Greet everyone who comes in. Do not stand off to the side, aloof from those who enter. On the contrary, engage as many people as you can when they enter.

  • If someone enters who “sets off your alarms,” extend your greeting to him. If this person intends to do evil, you must prolong your conversation with him. This may “disrupt his rhythm.” The longer you converse with him, the more nervous he becomes. It will require additional training to learn what is suspicious and what the appropriate response on your part should be.

  • Stay in the foyer until church is over.


  • You must - YOU MUST - have someone stationed right outside the front door. More on this in a few…


Some will, no doubt, have a problem at this point. But here are my recommendations:

  • About 10 minutes after church has started, lock the door. After doing so, someone will need to stay at that door until church is over - and folks have gone home.

  • Do NOT leave this door if this is your assignment. STAY THERE. I once heard the story of a family who when they came to church, the door was locked - and unmanned. They turned and left, concluding that the church was full of fear. STAY THERE AT THE DOOR welcoming people.

  • Open the door for all late-comers. They don’t need to know the door is locked - and they probably won’t know, as long as you open the door for them (obviously you should not - and cannot by law - lock the door that would prevent exiting: fire code laws would prohibit this).

  • Lock all doors that are far away from the sanctuary. They’re simply not needed. You should designate the entry doors. People may gripe for a while, but they’ll get over it. Post a sign on these doors that instructs people where they can enter.


  • Someone other than the pastor needs to be responsible for this. After preaching, your pastor is depleted of his energy. I know this by experience.



This may seem odd, but the sheepdog understands the necessity of this.

Your pastor is a public figure, and oftentimes his messages are heard by those outside the church. Furthermore, what he says may anger some - and revenge may be on their mind.

Tim Remington is a pastor in Idaho. One day after church he headed toward his car. Before he could get there, however, he was shot six times.

The would-be killer wasn’t arrested until he made his way to Washington D.C., and only after throwing “unknown material over the south fence line at the White House complex.


Pastor Tim Remington. The attacker later said he thought Pastor Tim was an “alien.”


  • Your church must have a good “child check-in system.” When the parent drops off a child, a ticket must be given to them. And when the parent returns later to retrieve the child, that ticket must be presented by the parent (or whoever dropped off the child). Here is where you might encounter some trouble.

  • What if the parents are separated? And what if the estranged parent shows up to get their child. This could be the beginning of a “domestic disturbance.” You have to have had a plan in advance.

Ministry Safe was created by legal professionals who are sexual abuse experts. With over 50 years combined experience in sexual abuse litigation, consultation and crisis management, Ministry Safe understands the risk of sexual abuse and how it unfolds in children’s programming. On average, MinistrySafe trains 25,000-30,000 people each month—live and online.


This is a big one. Real big. I have known churches who placed the armed members on the first few rows near the front. When I heard that, I almost fainted. If this is what you do, you have not thought the matter through.

The primary objective of the armed team member is to keep the attacker (“bad guy with a gun”) OUT OF THE CHURCH. Of course, this cannot always be avoided.

  • What we have to do, however, is have the best plan possible if we have an armed response in place. My advice is simple: the armed team member needs to be right outside the main entrance (or entranceS).

  • When we review these attacks, we soon learn that these killers often show up late and then make their way toward the sanctuary. As they do so, they sometimes have their weapon brandished. If this is the case, you stand a better chance of seeing them coming if you’re right outside the main entry door(s). However, if you have no one right outside the main entry points, a slaughter will probably ensue.

  • Thus, your armed person (security guard, police officer, etc.) must be stationed right outside the main entrance(s). You must do all that you can to keep the attacker from entering the church, or, heaven forbid, into the sanctuary. The sanctuary is your last perimeter, and you must find a way to take them on when they come on to Perimeter One (parking lot, near entrance).

Obviously there are other places the armed member needs to be. But do not fail to put one right outside the main entry doors.


This should go without saying, yet, I hear from team leaders across the country who complain that they cannot get their members to train. If you have members who will not train, simply remove them from the team. They are a liability. More than likely, they merely want to carry a gun. It’s a status thing.

I will put out another blog soon with more info that I hope will help…


  • To see ALL upcoming seminars, click on “seminar schedule” at top of page.



I have no idea why you would carry a gun and not have immediate access to Legal Defense (unless you are VERY rich).If you carry a gun, and do not have access to Legal Defense, you’re going to find yourself in need of thousands of dollars should you …

I have no idea why you would carry a gun and not have immediate access to Legal Defense (unless you are VERY rich).

If you carry a gun, and do not have access to Legal Defense, you’re going to find yourself in need of thousands of dollars should you have to use deadly force. Join US LAW SHIELD and they will cover you. Learn more now (for as little as $10.95 a month).

If you join, use the promo code “sheepdogseminars”


I’’m posting this article on January 7. I’m going to make a prediction about something that will happen on or about January 19, 2020 (12 days from today).

It’s one of those predictions that I hope I’m wrong about, but I probably won’t be. More than likely, I’ll be right on target. Predictions are, to a great degree, based on past events: if something has repeatedly happened in the past, there’s a high probability it will happen again. So here goes...

21 days from December 29, 2020, American churches will have forgotten what happened in a church in White Settlement, Texas on Sunday, December 29.

On or about January 19, the American public, including the churches, will have forgotten what happened at a church in White Settlement, Texas on Sunday, December 29: a lone gunman entered a church and shot and killed two people. He was then shot to death by an armed man who served on the safety team at the church.

But it’s just a matter of time before this event goes to that place in our mind where all other such stories are tucked away - and we will simply forget about it. 

Unfortunately, that won’t be the testimony of those who witnessed this tragedy. Their difficulties are just beginning. They will be haunted by the sight of what they observed for years to come. Every Sunday, for the next few years, some of the members in this church will sit nervously in their pews, fearful that another such scene will unfold before their eyes. 

Some will have great difficulty sleeping: nightmares will stalk others. Truth is, the witnesses to this tragedy are forever changed

In a few days from now, churches will fall back to sleep. It’ll be just like the other tragedies.

I’m reminded of Las Vegas on October 1st, 2017: 58 people shot to death and over 500 injured at an outdoor concert. And about a month later, a small church in Sutherland Springs, Texas had 26 worshipers shot to death, and 20 more injured, during the morning worship service. 

And people are forgetting. I have actually talked to people who have no recollection of these events!

It’s understandable that we don’t want such tragedies embedded in our memory. But the downside of that is that we don’t allow these tragedies to awaken us to action - sustained , proactive responses.

I went to Sutherland Springs a day or two after that tragedy. While there I granted an interview to a news agency. I told them plainly: “What really bothers me is that in 21 days people will forget what happened here. The churches will go back to sleep.”

And that’s what happened. 

On the twenty second day after the Sutherland Springs tragedy, a church called me and canceled a seminar. And then over the next few days, the concern that churches initially expressed had begun to fade. Somehow or another they convinced themselves the threat was not as bad as they thought. “It probably won’t happen HERE” - or so they thought. 

Don’t misunderstand me: I’m okay with staying at home. I don’ t need to conduct seminars. I’m 62-years old. I’m tired. I’m “cool” hanging around with my children, pursuing a hobby, enjoying retirement after 35 years of police work. I’d like a vacation, perhaps a cruise or a few days on a beach. I considered going fishing more often, maybe even hunting. I served my time. It’s time for me to think about … “me.” 

But I have a problem: I “sold out” years ago. I gave my life away when I was a teenager. I had so many plans, but then “something happened.” The God of heaven interrupted my agenda. He called me by name and purchased me with the blood of His only Son. 

He then made something quite clear to me: “I’ll be calling the shots from here on out.”

And that is why I do what I do. Put simply, my life is not my own. I don’t get to have a say-so in my life. Heck - I don’t even have a life.

I am not in my choice of career. I didn’t ask to do this: I WAS TOLD. 

  • I was told to warn the churches that violence was coming.

  • I was told to warn them that sexual predators would invade their churches, cozy up to the members, groom their children - and then molest them. 

And they have. 

I never foresaw the opposition I would endure. Some time back, I received an unsigned letter from someone who warned me that because of what I do, God would someday judge me. I never cease to marvel at the ignorance that exist in the minds of those who profess to know Christ.

I have pleaded with pastors, church staff’s, and their leadership, to prepare for this violence. And not only me, hundreds of others have done likewise. 

A couple of years ago, I was speaking at one of our seminars in Kentucky. As I was giving my presentation, something strange occurred. All of a sudden, I could tell that something tragic was going to happen in that area - and would happen in the “next two weeks.” Don’t ask me how I knew: I just knew. And I told the attendees what I “saw.”

TWO WEEKS LATER... down the road from where we were conducting the seminar, a man entered onto church property and murdered the founding pastor‘s wife.

Pastor, church leaders: it is important that you understand “the times” in which we live. You must be as the sons of Issachar, whose story is told in 1 Chronicles 12:32 -

From the tribe of Issachar, there were 200 leaders of the tribe with their relatives. All these men understood the signs of the times and knew the best course for Israel to take.

They understood the times. Do you? There are over 350 million guns in this country. And many of those guns are in the possession of men and women who would have no problem entering your sanctuary and gunning down your people. They are cold-blooded individuals who have sold their soul to Satan. And because they are his children, they will do as their father bids them, as Jesus confirmed in John 8:44 -

“You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning… “

The church in White settlement, Texas who endured this horrible tragedy, was obviously prepared. They “understood the times” and “knew what course to take.” If a “good man with a gun” had not stopped that “bad man with a gun,” there is no telling how many lives would have been lost.

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And remember: this whole incident, from beginning to end, lasted only SIX seconds.

Never forget, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

You must have TRAINED individuals in your church who are prepared to respond, as this church did. You must realize that the people in your church are THE FIRST RESPONDERS.

Never forget, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

Let me remind you WHY you should do this. 

“Love” is the most powerful force in the universe. The scripture tells us that “love is the greatest.” If the love of Christ has taken hold of your heart, it should certainly motivate you to protect your flock. As the Apostle Paul stated in 1 Corinthians 13 :7 - “Love…always protects.”

Pastor, every night when you go home, do you not secure your property? You roll up the windows on your car and lock your doors. When the family has settled down for the night, you lock the doors of your house, and maybe turn on an outside light. Why do you do these things? Why don’t you just “have faith that God will protect you?”

You take these precautions because you love your family, and you’re doing all you can to protect them. So why would you think any less when you meet for worship, especially since violence in your house of worship is a possibility?

When you secure your property, you are merely fulfilling Proverbs 27:12 -

“A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.”

Do something TODAY. The clock is ticking: a few days from now this tragedy will have faded from our memory - and many will fall back to sleep. 


And remember: FEAR IS NOT OUR MOTIVATION - we have nothing to fear. How do I know that? Because...

  • God the Father is on His throne. 

  • God the Son is at His right hand

  • God the Spirit is in our hearts. 

We have NO reason to PANIC…

But we have every reason to PREPARE. 


Here are the subjects that are covered -Active Shooter Neutralization and Lock Down DrillsArson Prevention and Fire Drills for ChurchesChurch Safety/Security Volunteer AcademyDealing with Disruptive Persons Using Verbal De-escalationProtecting Child…

Here are the subjects that are covered -

Active Shooter Neutralization and Lock Down Drills

Arson Prevention and Fire Drills for Churches

Church Safety/Security Volunteer Academy

Dealing with Disruptive Persons Using Verbal De-escalation

Protecting Children from Sexual Abuse in the Church

Severe Weather and Natural Disasters

Protecting Yourself and the Church with Use of Force Laws

Here is an offer we like to make you, one that will help you better protect your flock. We have never made this offer before. Here are the details:

  • We have access to a product that is excellent for training your safety team at your church. The cost is about 500 dollars. However, if you use the code “sheepdog2019” it will cut the price in half to about 250 dollars. Includes both the presentation bundles and online videos, this training system has everything your church needs to train your volunteers, who are not otherwise trained, to prevent and respond to various safety and security risks in and around Houses of Worship. 

  • If you make this purchase, we will also give you - at NO additional price - the complete video of our Sheepdog Seminar. You will be given a code to access and download it totally free.

  • It includes:

    • Lt Colonel Dave Grossman’s The Bulletproof Mind

    • Jimmy Meeks’ presentation on several subjects, including prevention of sex crimes.

    • Carl Chinn

    • Officer Greg Stevens

    • Frank Pomeroy (the pastor of the church in Texas where 26 people were murdered inside the church

    • The award-winning movie Faith Under Fire that tells the story of the church massacre in an east Texas church in 1980.

  • To begin the process, or to purchase the training, CLICK HERE to learn about this training. If you make the purchase, we will be notified and then send you the link to download the entire Sheepdog Seminar at NO additional cost.


TEXAS CHURCH SAFETY TOUR - SUMMER OF 2020. Stephen Willeford and Jimmy Meeks will be conducting seminars across Texas this coming Summer. Stephen is the man who stopped the killer at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas in November of 2017. Hearing the gunfire, he rushed to the scene with his rifle and shot - and stopped - the killer. These seminars will be conducted nightly in different churches throughout Texas. They will be done at a minimal cost. If interested, text “Texas tour” to 817.437.9693. We will respond ASAP.


BELOW: VIDEO - Jimmy Meeks on the radio show Point of View with Kerby Anderson


Once again the Christmas Holidays are upon us. It seems that it was only a few days ago that I purchased gifts for my wife and children. Oh how the time flies, and now it’s that time of year once again when bids me farewell, and making its way to the nearest Walmart, Target, or toy store.

We may criticize all of the commercialism associated with Christmas, but the truth is, if we omit the importance of gifts, it would put a dent in Christmas. The giving of gifts is an essential part of Christmas. It’s part of what makes Christmas what it is. Besides, everybody wants to receive gifts at Christmas, be they old or young.

And just as gifts play an integral role in the holidays, they also serve a distinct purpose in the church. The successful church is not only the one where Jesus is Lord, but also where his children are encouraged to exercise their gifts.

Every child of God has been given a gift, and to stifle that gift would be harmful, not only to the one who has a particular gift, but to those who can benefit by that person’s gift.

1 Corinthians 12 makes it clear that the gifts are given to the saints “for the common good.” By that, Paul means that the gift we have, when exercised, is for the good of others.

And that’s exactly where the protectors of the flock come into play. Those who involve themselves in matters of church security do so BECAUSE THAT’S THEIR GIFT.

The scripture supports this. In 1 Corinthians 12:28 Paul listed one of the gifts as “helps.” And that is precisely what you are doing when you commit yourself to the protection of the flock: you are HELPING everyone stay safe. And you are doing so because GOD HIMSELF has placed that “gift” in you. And you do not need to ever apologize for this.

We constantly hear from church security-minded people that they do not have the pastoral support for what they want to do to keep the congregation safe. Some have even been told that there will no “security force” at the church. Many pastors, we have learned, fear the effect it would have on their members.

But there’s another issue at stake. If your staff leaders prohibit any means of security, they are not only failing to protect the flock, but also refusing to acknowledge those who have the gift of “helps.”

No church can function the way it’s supposed to if the gifts in the members are not recognized and allowed to flow. We recognize, and utilize, those who have the gift of teaching, do we not? Why would we not acknowledge those who have the gift of “helps” (the gift that your protectors have been given by God)?


Pastor, the members of your church who are concerned about safety, and who are willing to protect the flock, are doing so because they have the “gift of helps.” What they need from you is is for you to allow them to fulfill their God-given calling (just as you have asked them to to believe in your gift).

Dear Pastor, church administrator, worship leader, leaders of the church: if the church you serve refused to acknowledge your gift and calling, you would most likely be offended. You do what you do because God called you, and you want others to recognize that.

And that principle is no different in the hearts of those who want to keep YOUR flock safe. They, too, have a CALLING. It is the calling to prevent people from being victimized by violence.

I encourage you to recognize their GIFT, thank them for it, and then do for them what you want them to do for you: support them.

I once asked a young minister what he intended to do if a shooter entered the church. I was shocked by his response: “That’s not my problem.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

DID YOU KNOW … in 2017 we set a “new record” for the number of violent deaths on church and faith-based property -114.

DID YOU KNOW … in 2017 we set a “new record” for the number of violent deaths on church and faith-based property -114.

Pastor, if your church is the victim of a tragedy, you will spend the rest of your time there picking up the pieces. Your vision for the church will, more than likely, be sidelined for quite some time. I have witnessed this time and time again.

I plead with you: acknowledge the gift of “helps” that has been given to certain members of your flock. These men and women are willing to give their lives for your flock. They are the “Priscillas and Aquilas” of your flock, who, Paul tells us, “risked their lives” for him (Romans 16:3).

When you allow the protectors to fulfill their “calling,” you not only free them to operate in their gift, but you also show the flock that you love them! 1 Corinthians 13:7 - the “love chapter” - confirms this: “…love…always protects…”

Finally, you should probably consider God’s attitude toward unjustified and senseless violence. His “feelings” toward this matter are quite strong, as indicated in Psalms 11:5 - “…the wicked, those who love violence, he hates with a passion.”

If our Father feels this way toward unlawful violence, perhaps we should do our best to prevent it.

”The Lord examines the righteous, but the wicked, those who love violence, he hates with a passion.” (Psalm 11:5)
WE KNEW THIS WAS COMING: A man who was shot in a house of worship is suing them. According to the Los Angeles Times, the victim says the house of worship “did not have proper security despite a rise” in such attacks. Furthermore, he accuses the hous…

WE KNEW THIS WAS COMING: A man who was shot in a house of worship is suing them. According to the Los Angeles Times, the victim says the house of worship “did not have proper security despite a rise” in such attacks. Furthermore, he accuses the house of worship of not using a $150,000 grant they had received to upgrade security purposes. I (Jimmy Meeks) have said on several occasions that such lawsuits are going to increase due to the trend of attacks at houses of worship. The argument will be that the church should have known the necessity of having security measures in place because of all the attacks that have occurred. Read Story

This is the Rev. Allen Henderson. He was pastor of a church in Fort Dodge, Iowa. He was also a longtime chaplain to first responders. HE WAS BEATEN TO DEATH WHILE AT HIS CHURCH this past October (2019). Read Story

This is the Rev. Allen Henderson. He was pastor of a church in Fort Dodge, Iowa. He was also a longtime chaplain to first responders. HE WAS BEATEN TO DEATH WHILE AT HIS CHURCH this past October (2019). Read Story


DOWNLOAD OUR ENTIRE SEMINAR - Our entire Sheepdog Seminar is available for download. For more info, including pricing, click here.



I’ve heard a ton of sermons on spiritual warfare. And I’ve read a lot of books on the same subject. But rarely have I heard, or read, just “how” the devil attacks the people of God.

Permit me to show you how he comes after us (and will probably do so before this day is over).

1 Peter 5:8 tells us that our adversary, the devil, “roams about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” This verse was written to Christian people; thus, we can see in this passage that the devil can do great harm to God’s people. He doesn’t have as much trouble doing that to the unbeliever, simply due to the fact that he already “owns” them. But, it’s the believer he wants to destroy. And in this passage we are told how he does it…

Notice again what it says: he roams about, seeking someone to …DEVOUR. The word “devour” means to “gulp down entirely.”  Just how does a lion devour its prey? What BODY PART does he use? The same body part you use when you “devour” your food: your MOUTH.

The devil knows he cannot take possession of God’s people, however, that does not slow him down in his attempt to “devour” us. He devours us by the use of his mouth… his WORDS. He devours - TALKS TO US - by injecting thoughts into our mind.  He wants to “gulp us down” by the power of his words, with the intent of destroying our life.

In Ephesians 6:16 the devil’s “words” are referred to as “flaming arrows.” When Paul wrote this, he was using the analogy of the Roman soldier’s weapon. The arrows the Romans shot at their enemies were often set afire before they were launched. The arrows would not only draw blood once they penetrated the skin, but also burn. Obviously, the goal was to completely destroy their enemies. And this is the same goal of our adversary. 

When the dark side tries to “devour” you, they will utilize the power of words that will FORM THOUGHTS IN YOUR MIND. If you receive and act on those words, they may well “take you out” - or BURN you.

This is how the devil attacked Jesus. He did NOT physically attack Jesus. What he did was TALK to Jesus: he simply made suggestions.

Luke chapter 4 records the temptation of Jesus when he ventured into the wilderness. Three times in that chapter it states the devil “SAID to Him…” That’s how the devil tried to “devour” Jesus: he SAID “stuff” to him.

The temptation of Jesus was merely the devil TALKING to Jesus, suggesting that he take a course contrary to what his Father wanted.

Dear fellow believer, the devil cannot take possession of your life: you are in the hands of Jesus and NO ONE (Satan included) can take you from His hands. However, he CAN approach you, TALK to you, and GIVE YOU AN IDEA of something to do that could lead to your destruction.

This is the method of demons. They “talk.”

And devils know WHAT to say and … W-H-E-N to say it.

Remember what Peter said in our verse above: “he roams about….LOOKING for someone to devour” (someone to “talk to”). Satan is an opportunist. He knows WHEN to offer you an idea.

For instance, sir, when he sees you at home alone – the wife and kids gone – he knows it’s a good time to suggest that you look at porn. He knows that when we are ALONE it is always a good time to give us an idea on what to do - and his ideas are destructive.

King David was ALONE when he saw the beautiful and NAKED Bathsheba taking a bath. And you know how that turned out.

A few months ago I drove from Texas to North Carolina for one of our Sheepdog Seminars. Along the way, I spent the night at a hotel in Montgomery, Alabama. As I stood outside my car gathering my belongings, a vehicle pulled up and parked next to me. The driver, a male, exited and rushed across the street to another hotel, while two females remained in the car. One of them struck up a conversation with me…

Sir, are you just passing through…?


Are you alone?

“Yes, I am,” (not realizing that I was being set up).

“Would you like some company?”

That’s when the truth of this situation got through my thick skull: I was being propositioned by a prostitute!

I smiled and looked at her, and shot back: “I’m a happily married man of 42 years. I don’t think my wife would like that.”

“Oh well,” she sighed, and then added: “I just hate to see a good-looking man be all alone.”

So, not only was she a prostitute, but a “lying prostitute!”

I rushed to my hotel room and called my wife.

“Honey, guess what?”


“I’m good-looking. I know that because a whore just told me so!”

I stayed in my room until she was gone.

This is the way our enemy attacks. He knew I was alone, tired, and all by myself. It was the “perfect storm.” Thankfully, Grace was given to me and I was spared what would have otherwise been a disastrous outcome.

You have to train yourself to respond to his words – and suggestions - the way Jesus did. Jesus simply did not put up with it. Once when Jesus was in a synagogue, a man with an evil spirit began to act out. Luke 4:35 is quite clear on Jesus’ response: “…Jesus rebuked him and said, ‘Be silent…’”

And this is what you and I must do. We must be quick in our response lest we give him ground. The more we debate with him, the closer to defeat we come. We must quickly respond to the enemy and his suggestions with a good old-fashion, “Shut up!”

When Peter told Jesus that he should not die on a cross, Jesus responded quickly: “Get behind me Satan.” Jesus knew full well that it was not Peter who was suggesting that he avoid the cross: it was the devil speaking though Peter. Satan merely put that idea into Peter’s mind - and then it came out of his mouth.

I wonder how many things people say to us every day that have their origin in the mind of the devil? Those who utter these words to us have no idea they are the mouthpiece of Satan!

Your boss may have told you that you’re the most worthless employee he has. But that is NOT your boss talking. It is the enemy who put that thought in his head, and then it came out of his mouth. As soon as possible, you must recognize this, and, slipping away to a quiet place, make it known to the enemy that you reject what he has said through your boss

Your husband may constantly berate you, leaving you to feel inadequate and inferior. Determined to improve, you try your hardest to be a better wife. But that may NOT be the real issue. It could be that your husband is actually the mouthpiece of hell, and his slanderous words come from the “father of lies” (see John 8).

The enemy loves to humiliate and shame us. He knows that when we hear these lies of his, we are prone to discouragement, despair, and sometimes even depression. They affect us this way because we believe them to be the truth - but they are not!

You must train yourself to do what Jesus did when Satan talked to him: TALK BACK! When Satan spoke to Jesus and offered his suggestions, Jesus responded by “shooting back!” How did he do that? With what did he “shoot back” with? With the WORD OF GOD!  

And you will only be able to do this if you have armed yourself with the Word. That means you are going to have to meditate on the Word - commit it to memory. This is how you “load your weapon.”

Many years ago, while serving as a police officer in Oklahoma, I had a harrowing experience one night. After we got off duty, a few of us (all of whom were officers) went to a local convenient store and played video games. We were all still in uniform as we did so. As I played, a fellow officer was standing behind me.

“Jimmy, are you aware that there are NO bullets in your gun?”

I gulped and turned red. I slowly looked down at my .357 and lo and behold: the cylinder was empty!

I had forgotten to load my gun before I came to work that day. I had gone the entire shift with no ammo in my gun! I shudder to think of what would have happened had I gotten in a shootout that day. I was not prepared to defend myself, my fellow officers, or the public. I was a “dead man walking.”

And that is the spiritual condition of many of us. Our guns are UNLOADED! We have nothing with which to “shoot back” when the enemy starts talking at us.

There are countless illustrations of how the enemy talks to us. Be more discerning and you will see them. Train yourself to respond to the enemy when he starts TALKING TO YOU.

Submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you (see James 4:7).

We hear it all the time, but it is worth repeating: We Are At War!


Next Monday, November 18, we begin our Oklahoma Church Safety Tour (all across the state). We start in OKLAHOMA CITY. Click here for more info.


Want to host a Sheepdog Seminar next year? Text “2020 Seminar” to 817.437.9693 and we will respond ASAP.


He entered the church sanctuary and shouted, “This is War!”

Have you seen our movie Faith Under Fire? HeartStone Pictures and the incredible Sondra Hicks produced this movie. It is the story of one of the first massacres that ever occurred in a church. An angry gunman entered the sanctuary on a Sunday mornin…

Have you seen our movie Faith Under Fire? HeartStone Pictures and the incredible Sondra Hicks produced this movie. It is the story of one of the first massacres that ever occurred in a church. An angry gunman entered the sanctuary on a Sunday morning, shouted “This is War,” and then shot 15 worshipers - killing five. Click here to purchase your copy (at the same site our entire Sheepdog Seminar can be purchased and downloaded).

“I’ve seen three movies that made the hair on the back of my head stand up: Saving Private Ryan, American Sniper, and Faith Under Fire” - Arkansas Police Officer.

Paul the Apostle had no problem with ARMED security - so why do we?

The argument goes on and on: to be armed or not to be. Those in favor say the other side should agree, while the opposed say no. And time and time again I have heard ministers and church people make the argument that we should NOT be armed if we serve on a church safety team. In my humble opinion, I believe that every church has the right to do as it deems necessary, acting under the scope of its laws and ordinances - as well as church policy.

But you cannot make the argument that a church can never utilize armed personnel. If you do, you might upset the Apostle Paul.

Paul didn’t always utilize the “faith-only” approach when it came to his personal protection. Sometimes, he took advantage of... “armed security.”

Read it for yourself….

In Acts 23 a group of about 40 men vowed to not eat until they had killed Paul. They were so enraged at his teaching about Jesus that they determined to kill him.

They convinced their religious leaders to summon Paul to their court under the pretense of asking him more questions.

But their aim was to murder him. 

Paul’s nephew learned about the plot and rushed off to tell him. Paul’s response is worth noting. He did NOT tell his nephew, “Have no fear my son, the Lord will protect me.” Instead, Paul used common sense. He summoned a nearby police officer and told him to escort his nephew to the commander. Simply put, Paul called 911.

The nephew met with the commander and exposed the plot. The response is, to say the least, very interesting. Read it for yourself: 

“Then the commander called two of his officers and ordered, 'Get 200 soldiers ready to leave for Caesarea at nine o’clock tonight. Also take 200 spearmen and 70 mounted troops. Provide horses for Paul to ride, and get him safely to Governor Felix.'”

Think about that for a moment. OVER 400 ARMED GUARDS WERE ASSIGNED TO PAUL! These men had...SWORDS ... and SPEARS...

The religious mentality often tells us, “We should just trust the Lord for protection.” But the SPIRITUAL mind is different. It realizes that “faith without works is…DEAD.” Paul could have told his nephew, “Don’t panic. The Lord will get us to Rome. He promised us!”

Rome was Paul’s destination. God had told him he would testify before the authorities in Rome. And here we see God using armed people to fulfill His purpose for Paul.

Paul will eventually get to Rome - and the Gospel will spread throughout the Roman Empire - and with the assistance of Armed Security!

God could have protected Paul with Angels – or a dozen other ways – but He chose to use a large group of ARMED men to provide cover for His Servant.

Not every church can afford to hire police or security services. The budget of some churches barely gets the basics paid. In light of this, we make our appeal to all churches and their leaders to recognize the Second Amendment, and, based on the laws of your particular state, encourage and allow the churches to defend themselves as they deem necessary (AND T-R-A-I-N)!!!.

Church Leaders: there may come a day you find yourself in a lawsuit. The charge will be that you restricted your people from protecting themselves in the face of a massacre. Your posted sign kept your flock gun-free: but had no affect on the heart of the wicked.

There could be a tragedy in one of your churches that might could have been prevented had someone who was armed been allowed in the church (or on its property).

A terrible tragedy happened to a friend of mine in Illinois, Mary Shepard. While working inside her church one day in 2009, she was viciously attacked. Mary was 69 years old. Her co-worker, 76-years old, was also beaten. They were attacked by a man burglarizing the church where they worked.

The attacker was 6'4" and weighed 240 pounds. 

Mary's injuries were severe. According to Arrest warrants, the would-be killer repeatedly kicked the heads and bodies of Shepherd and her fellow worker (he got away with less than $600).

Mary suffered a skull fracture, concussion and a possible broken bone in her right cheek. Medical staff at the hospital told family members the injuries were like nothing they had ever seen. Despite that, she reportedly suffered no damage to her brain or eyes.

Mary Shepard after her vicious attack.

Mary sued the State of Illinois for denying her the right to self-defense. She won and became one of the first recipients of a concealed carry permit.

Now let me be perfectly clear about something. I am NOT a gun-fanatic. I HAVE NO OBSESSION WITH GUNS. My “gun-collection” totals about three.

 But I am a fanatic about the prevention of violence committed by criminals such as the one who attacked Mary and her sister in Christ.

I am a believer in the Second Amendment because I am a fanatic about the Second Commandment: "Love your neighbor." And love, the Apostle Paul said, "...always protects..." (1 Corinthians 13:7).

And these individuals who want to storm onto our faith-based property and kill the innocent, must not be tolerated. 

We must LOVE our people enough to provide them with some means of security, and not feed them with faulty ideas such as "God will protect us while we are in His house.,” while we do NOTHING.

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If that be true, that such protection is warranted when inside a church sanctuary, why, then, is God not protecting other houses of worship around the world? 

For example, beginning in 2012, over 1000 churches in Nigeria were eventually burned to the ground. WHY DIDN'T GOD PROTECT THEM?

Why didn't God protect Mary Shepard? Why isn't God protecting all of the Christian women overseas, 6 of whom are raped every day because of their faith in Christ.

Why didn't God protect the Rev. Carol Daniels, who was murdered inside her Oklahoma Church in 2009? An autopsy report indicated Daniels had been stabbed several times and her head was nearly severed from her body. Police reports state Daniels’ body was posed in the form of a cross. Other reports says the killer set her hair on fire.

There is one other matter I must quickly call to your attention. Have you ever heard of the Reverend Daniel Simmons? Rev. Simmons was one of the nine parishioners killed at Mother Emmanuel in Charleston, S.C. in June of 2015.

According to his son, Dan Jr, his father was the family’s protector. Furthermore, his father had a concealed weapons permit and nearly always carried his pistol – even in church.

Dan Jr testified at the trial of the killer, admitting, "I didn’t understand why he didn’t carry a weapon to church that night. It was hard for me, not knowing why he didn’t protect everybody.”

When Simmons received the keys to his father’s car from the coroner he got his answer. 

“When I opened the car, it was sitting on the front seat,” said Simmons Jr., before collapsing into sobs on the witness stand. “He took it off before he went to church."

The list of examples is endless. Church leaders, love your flock enough to put something in place to stop these killers.

Yes, pray for the attacker: pray against all violence in your city and that which is aimed at your flock. Cry out to God, fast, seek Him in sackcloth and ashes if you must. But remember your flock; they are counting on you. 

Oh, and just for clarity's sake, Paul did not suffer from a lack of faith. He simply understood a certain truth: "Faith without WORKS is dead..."