ELVIS would stand up for the police...

I have always loved Elvis. I've dragged all of my children to Memphis, and walked them through Graceland. The I drive through Memphis, I usually go out of my way to at least pass by his mansion.

I hate that he's dead (if he really is..lol)

Did you know that he had a thing, an obsession, with police officers. As a matter of fact, when he was a kid, he often talked about becoming a police officer when he grew up.

When he came to town to perform, he often got his security from local police officers, whom he befriended quickly. Once while in Denver, he purchased several cars for a group of cops (several Lincolns and one Cadillac).

One time he even had a blue flashing light on top of one of his cars, and occasionally made a traffic stop! He would flash one of his badges, lecture the speeder, give'm an autograph, then be on his way! The "violator" would be stunned, but then had an awesome story to share with his family.

A Memphis Police Officer once said, "I don't care where he was, whenever he saw the police, Elvis always stopped and talked to them. He would drive up beside them in the street and get them to pull over. He would spend hours at a time talking with them in different places."

He was also known to stop at police stations and visit officers who were having to work holidays instead of getting to be home with their families.

He once came across a traffic accident and got out of the car and directed traffic! It was gong well until the bystanders realized it was Elvis Presley.

He collected police badges everywhere he went and sometimes showed his gun collection to officers.

He also enjoyed ride-alongs with Memphis police officers. A former captain with the Memphis PD once wrote that, "Elvis was a down-to-earth person in our presence — a man who just happened to be famous. He actually appeared to be in awe of us, rather than the other way around."

Elvis, if you are alive, please come help us fix this mess!